
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 22

Friday is always my busiest day so it took some careful planning to make sure I got a block made.
I had a look through my Omigosh! box first thing and found these parts.
Oh good, one block nearly made!
So I sat down and started sewing. Of course, in order to sew it, I needed a leader-ender block (!) so I found one of my prepped churndashes and made a start on that as well.

I was at this stage when I needed to stop to feed my calves-have breakfast- shift cows and sort new calvers-and get to work.
I emerged from the calfshed to see a beautiful sky and I later discovered I had missed a beautiful sunrise - lots of locals posted gorgeous photos - while I had my head down and tail up!
All animals fed and happy I went off to work for the day.
We're very fortunate to have our son-in-law helping out on the farm, casually, at the moment. Over the last few months he has done a huge amount of fencing (flood damage as well as repairs to the miles and miles of fences we seem to have!). And just perfectly, he is here for calving as well.
So instead of having to rush home from work to do farmwork, I stayed there and got home in time to watch him feed the last calf of the day!! We've done everything by ourselves for more years than I can count so it's really nice to have the extra pair of hands around the place😀
With the pressure off, I was able to finish my block for the day, which ended up as two blocks for the day —
Then it was back into town. ED had arranged for two of our little families (plus Ganma) to go to the Whangarei Night Lights show. We didn't really know what to expect - and it was way past the kids' bedtime - but it was a pretty fun spectacle and the kids really enjoyed it. There were lots of outdoor displays and a few indoor ones,. George was fascinated by the firedancers and Lily loved the ballerina in the A-frame. There was so much to see that no-one got grumpy (although one was almost asleep by the time we got back to the car!) 
None of us got very decent photos but here are a couple of the better ones.
Odie didn't want to be in the photo but he was there as well.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Looks and sounds like a fun night out.
    Great to have help at this busy time, makes more time for sewing.

  2. Light shows are always fun and I'm sure the kids found it enthralling.

  3. the light show looks a lot of fun.... you got lots done really amongst the busy ness of your day...

  4. so nice to have extra hands......
    the show would have been great to see.........

  5. Such a busy day for you Raewyn, good you have the extra hands on the farm now. Your blocks are lovely and the light show looks amazing.

  6. A full on day which ended with a fun night and you got two blocks made…. Well done 👍

  7. A fun way to end your day and two very nice blocks. xx

  8. the night show looks wonderful! must be nice to have a son in law pitch in and help and extra set of hands on a farm is always needed. Love the quilt blocks

  9. Good that you could squeeze in a couple of finished blocks in what sounds to be a very busy day.
    How nice that you have help now and don't have to do it all by yourselves! How long will that last?
    Gorgeous shots of the night sky, and I like the looks of that light show.

  10. It looks like the light festival was well worth the visit.
    Great to have and extra hand on the farm, especially at this time of the year.
    And loving the blocks, too.


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