
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 20

To celebrate commemorate mark another night of rain, I thought I'd sew up the second block of the Raining Cats and Dogs row by Cakestand quilting —
And with the dog block ('scuse the shocking photo!) —
I've only just realised that I have sewn the cat's raindrops in upside down (anything is possible, right?!) so I guess fixing those up will be a job for tomorrow.
These blocks are sewn using the stitch and flip method, where you sew a square onto a unit on a diagonal, then trim it off. It looks a lot like foundation piecing but isn't. You have quite a few triangles leftover from the trimming, but in true Raewyn fashion I am collecting those for another project another day.

Two more churndashes as leader-enders while I was sewing today —

In spite of the rain overnight and first thing this morning we had only one more calf today (tally now 3) and a nice fine day to follow. A cousin of mine and her family visited this afternoon. It was nice to be able to walk around the farm in the sunshine - gumboots compulsory and only as far as the bridge as that is under water again. Just having a few cows and calves to tend meant that it was very easy for the city-folk to see what goes on without the stress of animals everywhere and the MOML and I busy-busy trying to get it all done!
In fact it was so nice we even opened the new roller doors on the calfshed so the two calves there could do a bit of sunbathing.
The shed now looks very flash from the outside - on this side anyway. We've realised it was the original old walk-through cowshed from years ago which was adapted for rearing calves in when the 'new' (and current) cowshed was built. The farm was established after WW2 so I guess this building has been around since then. 
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I've seen some feisty cats that will chase a dog, but I haven't seen rain fall up. However, I never would have caught that if you hadn't mentioned it. :)
    I probably need to spend some time on Churn Dash blocks before this week is out. I think they do make good leader/enders.
    A sunbathing calf is a cute sight.

  2. Nice to get some sunshine after the rain. Raining cats and dogs stitching seems very topical with so much rain falling everywhere lately.

  3. Just how big are these cats and dogs blocks? What I'm really wondering is how big are the triangle trimmings? LOL
    Lovely to see some sunshine again.

  4. Great cat to go with your lovely dog. xx

  5. Nice cat block to go with the dog …. You do enjoy that PPing….
    Two great churns to join the others….
    Lovely to have a sunny day and even the calves are enjoying it.

  6. oh I love calf spam.......nice churn dash blocks even if they are the secondary project they are still happening.......YIPPEE..........

  7. Wonderful cat to go with your dog, hope the rain drops were easy to fix.
    Lovely churn dash blocks. The shed looks flash there, nice for the calves to enjoy the sunshine.


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