
Monday, February 28, 2022

Squirrels and so on

We have a real possum problem here in the orchard at the moment but I didn't really expect to get bitten by a squirrel.
But bitten I was!
Last month I noticed Larisa on Instagram (stitchingnotes) running a wee sewalong with Irina (nordiccrafter).  They called it a 'Sip Tea and EPP party' with a mystery project which ran over several weeks.
I admired it, naturally, but was being pretty strict with myself about starting anything new. 
Well, along came that squirrel and the rest is history.
I spied a wee bundle of Liberty fabric and found some hanky linen leftovers and got to work —
First was a sweet wee hexie flower —
Making a panel —
This is how far I've got; I was trying to use what I had on hand but need another small piece of hanky linen before I can continue. It will become a stitching folder — 
I'm signing up to this month's DREAMi linky party...where Sandra helps us to celebrate those Drop Everything And Make It moments. Thanks Sandra for enabling us!

I had a special request for some more Wayfarer shoes for young Mr Odie..."a summer pair please Mum which don't get too hot and cosy".
So I rummaged and found suitable fabrics and decided, while I was at it, to make a second pair using  the Oilskin canvas and fleece combination I've used previously.
Production line sewing —
(These are a Twig+Tale pattern.)
For the soles I used scrap fleece from our dear (late) Oscar-Riley's blanket. While she was waiting to take delivery of the wee puppy many (15) years ago, YD made little cushions and a blanket for him. Remnants remain and now her 'second son' (the dog being her first) is using the fabric. Yes we're a sentimental family around here! (And the Moda tape from a jelly roll makes perfect tabs.)
(These soles have soul!)

Mum is visiting at the moment as it had been a while since she'd seen all the kids. There are a few sniffles around so we are having socially distanced visits to help keep her germ free (and Omicron is taking off here in NZ). 
These two brought out everything but the kitchen sink to show Granny!

I have signed up to take part in the Time In A Bottle bloghop next month. I really need to start focusing on my project for that!!!!!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Boy those squirrels are pretty busy around the place, Lou had them, I had them and now you! Your project looks wonderful though Raewyn. The shoes for Mr Odie look fantastic, so good to be able to use things that have sentimental attachment. Lovely to have your Mum visiting and for her to be able to see the grandies.

  2. Pretty fabrics for your new project folder. Such cute little shoes. Lovely to have Mum around I am sure. xx

  3. Lovely little project that squirrel infected you with...and those wee shoes, oh my, too cute!..

  4. glad granny can get in a visit and be safe!!

  5. Your hexies are lovely and those shoes are just the cutest! Happy that your family is able to enjoy a visit.

  6. I think I need a squirrel to visit me--I seem to keep working on the same 3-4 projects!!!
    I see alot of things being done with the English paper piecing and I see that alot of projects being done with the Wedding ring blocks--humm???
    Like your squirrel project--it will be really sweet when you are finished with it--
    Nice you were able to have your Mom there to at least see and watch the 'grand's'!
    hugs, di

  7. Pesky squirrels!
    Looks like a pretty project though.
    Love to socially distant family gathering. LOL

  8. hahahah.... I'm laughing at your squirrels!

  9. Cute shoes, lovely hexies and fabrics, so nice to have mum visit always special times.

  10. Your squirrel project looks lovely. Why not enjoy it!!!
    The shoes look great, too. They obviously enjoy them.
    And what a great way to have a visit and stay safely distanced. That works really well.

  11. You have watch those squirrels 🐿 they have a nasty bite. Cute project just the same….
    You have a thing for a production line, cute wee shoes…
    Lovely to have Mum visit and keep her safe while watching the littles…
    Look forward to see what you create for the blog hop.

  12. Ah, so someone across the pond has squirrels too, though I do like to think of them as possums as we don't have native squirrels. That is going to be a gorgeous sewing folder and thanks for leaving a comment on my post too. Those wee slippers are so cute. No littlies here now, the youngest 2 now being 14. Take care & hugs.

  13. Who knew squirrels could be so irresistible? That will be a sweet folder when finished.
    Those Wayfarer shoes are adorable. Lucky little feet that get to run around in those!
    Lovely way for the littles to visit with your Mum while keeping distance.

  14. Have fun with that squirrel and the little boots are looking good. It’s good the kids can still see Granny and how her everything.

  15. Raewyn - at first, I really thought you meant you had been bitten! Ha ha! I am probably too rigid for my own good - a bit of a slave to my to-do list. Love the picture of Granny overseeing the grandkids!

  16. You have to watch out for those squirrels, they're tricky 😂

  17. Well first of all, I adore Liberty, have a very small collection and have only made one item, a makeup or sewing bag, and gifted it. Need to make myself something! I love this sweet little project and look forward to the finish! I also love possums, though here in North America they are technically called opossums (no one says the o) because they differ from your possums. I did not know they could be a pita. And well, you know how much I love the shoes you make! Thanks for linking up!


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