
Monday, January 31, 2022

January Round-up

My next blogpost was supposed to be about our wee summer holiday, but here we are at the end of January so I am writing my end of month post instead.

I had a fun week. We were given a Christmas gift which read - 
"Grandparenting - the ultimate extreme sport"
And last week sure proved it!
Monday —
(While Mum and Dad had a day out -alone- for their wedding anniversary)
Tuesday —
(Believe it or not, not quite well enough for daycare.)
Wednesday —
I took these two on their first proper Ganma adventure, to the stream shown in my last post. 'twas a little scary at times but holding hands helped.
(Still not able to go to daycare.)
Thursday —
Mum and Dad both working.

Thank Goodness Friday was a work day at my favourite quilt shop!

Guess what I did Saturday and Sunday?
One more Barbie dress has appeared. Yes it is identical to the first. The young girl might let me use different fabrics next time!
And in my mission to finish some of my December things in January, I made two more oven mitts. I'd bought/sorted the fabrics and didn't want to put them away for a some-day sew —
These will go into the giftbox....
I'm getting better at sewing binding on totally by machine; couldn't do it without pins though. I like to stitch in the ditch at the front and hope that the binding on the back gets sewed down - I only had to hand sew the odd bit that I'd missed.
My sheet of notes barely survived the process when I had them under the fabric on the cutting board! I'm thinking that next time I make a set I might take photos and write a tutorial if anyone is interested? I obviously need a better way of looking after the instructions.
In between looking after children during the week I managed to complete the (15) blocks I had offered to make for The Country Yard for one of our new projects.
Each block needed a few half square triangles and I decided to use the Make-8-at-a-time method that I'd seen but not ever tried. Loved it!
One last achievement for January. I cleared my sewing bench. Look how it gleams! It still (mostly) looks like that😀

Hanging pride of place in our hallway is a Round Robin quilt made years ago by a group of friends. It depicts our farm, family and life. All the kids love it. They love finding their Mum (or Dad), looking for all the animals and so on. Lily and George spent some time with it last week. 
It's the quilt that keeps on giving —
George is pointing to Aunty on her horse and Lily is wondering if the wee button used as a door handle will actually open the door!

On that happy note, I'll say goodnight.
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Lots of fun looking after the grandkids…. But still finding time to do some sewing..
    The No waste 8 at a time HST is a great way to make them.

  2. It's so nice the children are well enough to play outside. I put my instructions in plastic covers which I keep to the side. Make several copies though, just in case! Happy stitching!

  3. You had a super busy week and still managed 15 blocks! I'd love a tutorial onthe oven mitts. I was going to ask for the pattern name anyway.
    The grands with the farm quilt is just the best.

  4. looks like you had a good time with the kids and great that even though they were too "sick" for day care they weren't actually all that sick so they could play outside and not whine all day from not feeling well.

  5. Ah summertime... longing for it here in the northern hemisphere! That last photo is adorable. I love seeing your sewing bench! I have one too, though no actual countertops yet as my husband will have to custom make them since the one is so long. Isn't it lovely when we do clean them up? How DO they get so messy so quickly though... I'm amazed you got as much sewing done as you did with littles around!

  6. Your gkids just make me smile with delight. Such fun. Looks to me you have been having loads of fun, as well as finding time to enjoy and create. I have not yet made those type of oven mats, but very interested in making them.

  7. A busy week indeed, but I'm sure you all had fun!

  8. Enjoy the grandkids! Mine are all grown up now...

  9. Lovely to see the grandies enjoying outdoor life, love how the twins look after each other 🥰 . I would love some instructions in mitt making. Had to giggle about the instructions, I have a list of books I want to read, the chow gave it the chew treatment last week! Cellotape to the rescue. The blocks you made for the shop are lovely. The farm quilt is beautiful, love the cow panel.

  10. I love the round robin quilt, such a great idea and so very personal.
    Good to see the children were well enough to play and have fun with ganma even if they were too poorly for daycare. You must be exhausted.

  11. I’m impressed that you were able to squeeze in so much sewing time with little ones. They seem to be really enjoying the fun quilt.

  12. What a "grand" visit with you and yours (get it?)! It is amazing to me that you accomplished so much sewing. I think I would have been napping every chance I got.
    But it looks like the kids enjoyed themselves, and you still got your blocks made!
    Congrats on the tidy sewing bench.
    Love the shot of the kiddos and the farm quilt. :)

  13. Ah yes, some great times with the little ones... so glad you also got to have some "me" time too for your sewing! Lovely photos Raewyn.

  14. Definitely a very busy January. But it all looks like good fun. And even some sewing was done!

  15. What fun at your place..... the children must have a lot of fun.... gorgeous sewing too.....

  16. The grands will appreciate all the time you spend with them when they are older, and I am sure your kids really appreciate it. Looks like a fun time for all, and lots of adventures.

  17. You do have a busy life - lots of fun though I am sure. xx

  18. Lots of things achieved, most important the family time also. Love the round robin wall hanging. Yes I would be interested in the oven mit pattern.


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