
Saturday, December 4, 2021

Slow and steady

Like the Tortoise, I am hoping that my slow and steady approach will mean that I will win the game in the long run!
I had hoped that the end of November was to be the time for triumphantly showing my finished Scrappy Christmas Ornament quilt, fulfilling my One Monthly Goal, meeting part of my WIPs be-gone goal, and having an OPAM finish for the month.
Sadly, I had a busy month and there was no finish to share.
The current status of my quilt is this —
Yes, still at the machine, partially quilted, which is actually progress but not a finish!

I have some star blocks to share. I love the sweet star I made for Month 9. It's called a Goshen Star; I'll definitely be making more of these —
And the last month/star for The Great Scrappy Star Adventure. I've called this one a Scrappy Star (why not?!) because I have no idea of the real name.
(A 12" block and a 9" block.)
I've been making only enough stars to test the patterns so will be continuing on making them next year as well.
Suzanne has gone through her scraps and added lots of more fabrics to the supplied ones, giving her's a 'Suzanne' feel! Her quilt is going to look great - check it out *here*.

Another Christmas project I had on the go recently was The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me, a design by Anni Downs. It's now a top —
And you can see how well my oopsie fix from my last blogpost worked —

Finishing the stitching on TSTTTT (above)(!!) freed up some evening stitching time so I've now completed the lockdown stitchery designed by The Country Yard. I'm not sure how I will finish this but think I'll probably make it into a cushion. I stitched it on a Hanky Linen with this purpose in mind.
So I'm ready for a new evening project!

There has been a flurry of Tui around here lately. We hear them often but most recently they've been in the trees just off the deck. There were four here the other day but I only managed to get a photo of one. They haven't stayed still long enough for a decent shot!

And there's been a flurry of children around here lately too. Different combinations on different days, hanging out while parents work, etc etc.
I usually try to take them out on the farm for a bit of an adventure. Usually with no plan in mind. 
Odie could see cows in the distance —
Follow the leader —
Why not?! —
Anything of interest in the tree? —
Xavier is always prepared, with a lunchbox not too far away—
Quiet time for Odie after some adventuring —

Finally Blogger has allowed me to load my photos, so now it's time to be off! Hopefully it won't be as long before my next post!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Yes you’ll get the Ornaments quilt done soon….
    Lovely Stars and the Chris flimsy looks great.
    I love the reindeer in the jumper and a good oops fix….
    Always enjoy the photos of the kids adventures and sweet one of Odie relaxing.

  2. that Christmas quilt is wonderful!! I love it it looks like you have put a lot of work into it.

  3. So exciting to see the ornaments getting quilted. For me it is a novel idea to actually quilt a Christmas quilt. I think I have 4 Christmas tops--have had for years. Never get them quilted. LOL
    Loving your star blocks. Such unique designs!
    Oh, how fun to have the top of TS,TT,TT,AM finished (that handle is a mouthful)! It looks amazing!
    Thanks for taking us along on the adventure with the grands. How fun to have that space to roam.

  4. Great projects. I especially love the background fabric on the first photo. Looks like great family time as well.

  5. A fun post, good progress on the quilts even if you were planning a finish... so great for the children - wonderful memories being made....

  6. You WILL win the race with the steady progress. Your stars are looking great. That Goshen Star is really pretty. I LOVE your TSTTTT flimsy. It turned out so cute.

    The kids look like they are enjoying their grand adventures.

  7. Lovely family pictures. Your Santa quilt top is beautiful. Enjoy your new hand stitching project whatever it is and I look forward to seeing your completed quilt at some point. xx

  8. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas Ornament quilted...your The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me looks great and who'd know about the oopsie if they weren't told, perfect solution...

  9. You are making great progress Raewyn, slow and steady as you say. Love the Country Yard stitchery. So good to see the children out enjoying the outdoors on the farm, happy memories happening there.

  10. Lots of lovely star blocks Raewyn and your ornament quilt is going to be gorgeous...sometimes life just gets in the way. Great pics of your Grandies having fun. The Tui is beautiful xx

  11. If there is no deadline then it doesn't matter when the quilt is finished.
    The stars are really interesting designs. There are so many variations. Love the ones you have done.
    Great to see your turkey quilt top completed and looking great!!!!
    And the stitchery is so pretty.
    Good to see you getting lots of grandie time as well. Looks like a lot of fun.

  12. You were super productive. I like the star blocks, the Goshen star is very interesting. Those littles looked like they were having a great time! Happy Holidays, Raewyn.

  13. What a busy time you have. Love to see pics of your grand children running around and having fun.
    Your quilt progress is progress, you'll get it finished one day.

  14. Oh I just love your Christmas quilt!!! It's gorgeous! And I love the goshen block too - must try that one day! xx

  15. I do love the Goshen star blocks, well done on your stitcheries, and your grandies will have some great farm memories

  16. That little Christmas quilt is just the cutest!

  17. Raewyn - love the "Home is Where the Heart Is" stitchery! Due to an emergency trip to Ohio, I am behind on EVERYTHING, so you are not alone! The pix of the kids outside always give me great joy!!!

  18. Your "fix" did work well! Your circular stitchery is lovely too Very interesting star blocks - isn't it amazing how many patterns there can be for a star?

  19. Successfully juggling farming, raising cows and quilting, you are already a superwoman and a winner in my book. I love Goshen Star. I recently discovered this block and I am overflowing with ideas. Looking forward to what you do/juggle next :-D
    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  20. I'm not sure what happened to the end of November or even the beginning of December but here we are almost Xmas yet again!! I really like the last few star blocks - well done on the choices made with this BOM Raewyn, it has been lots of fun - and hopefully some more will get pieced before work starts up again.

  21. blink and it's January......lots of gorgeous projects on the go there.......the kids have grown heaps.....


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