
Sunday, April 11, 2021

A social weekend —

This weekend for me was far more social than sewcial!
It started pretty well with Friday Night with Friends, kindly hosted by Cheryll of stitchingcubbyhole. Although I got home quite late after work and some shopping, I joined in with cyber friends and got a little bit of block five of The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me done.
I decided to concentrate on the cute wee bird and made a wee faux pas early in the night which needed some unstitching. I discovered the beak was supposed to be sewn on top of the body, rather than underlapping it. (You can see in the second photo how nicely the body fits over the beak!!!)
I continued with it on Saturday night and feel like I'm making some progress. 
But still have plenty left to do!
I must say, I am enjoying the extra evening stitching time now that daylight saving has finished. As it's darker earlier, tea is slightly earlier and I'm settled into my stitching chair earlier!

As I 'should have been' at Scrub Stitchin retreat this weekend, these two trouble makers, Chooky and Sue called me during the evening.
A birthday party was in full swing so they couldn't hear a thing I said, but it was lovely to see them. I'm booked in for next year already. We'll be flying across the Tasman by then!

Yesterday I worked as we had a class at The Country Yard. Remember the bag I finished last month? Well we were running the class for it — 
Everyone did well, making good progress and have gone home with homework to do. We will start assembling the bags at the next class in a few weeks time. Then hopefully I'll have some photos to show you of the beautiful bags they're all making!

Yesterday was actually a fabulous day for the farm. Contrary to the forecast which predicted 5 mls of rain, we had over 75mls (3"). It absolutely bucketed down. From the dry (and cosy) classroom I fretted for YD and her family (including the toddler boy) who had a total of 6 netball/hockey events for the day (grading day) and also worried over the MOML, recovering from pneumonia, who had gone into town to watch SIL play rugby. We've had a dry summer/autumn and this will keep the grass growing and the cows milking for a bit longer.
A couple of nice photo opportunities first thing this morning —

Today I tagged along when ED took the kiddies to the local Quarry Gardens, gardens created in an old quarry. After yesterday's rain they were all looking lovely and lush.
These photos were all taken before a visit to a café and a subsequent sugar hit - whew!!

By the time I got home there was little time for serious sewing - so as you can see, lots more social than sewcial! At this stage I have some sewing time scheduled for this week 😀
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I remember when my grands were little like that and laying across a bridge to look under or sitting dangling their feet - now they are 18/21!! no longer do that with their granny :) I'm glad you got the rain. It looks like you have a good group room for your sewing group - fun times.

  2. Shame about the unstitching but your little bird is flying nicely now. Shame you missed the party too! Lovely pictures of the little ones in the gardens. xx

  3. Wunderschöne Fotos! Und ich bin ganz neidisch das bei euch Neu Zealand, die Kurse wieder laufen. Bei uns in Germany sind wir immer noch in look down. Besonders in meiner Heimatstadt Flensburg.
    Liebe Grüße aus Flensburg

  4. I am smiling big time knowing you had such fun social time. I too hope next year brings plenty of opportunity to join in person quilting retreats, classes and more. It will come. We are in the home stretch in this pandemic. Your pictures are beautiful, as are your projects, garden/property, and gkids.

  5. Sewing is always great--but grands grow so fast--one needs to spend time and energy with them, first--then if energy and time are left you can do some sewing--So you did good!!
    luv, di

  6. The grandkids looked like they were having a wonderful time and I'm sure the sweets topped the day off just right. Beautiful pictures of all going on and your wool stitching is sweet.

  7. We missed you......I had hoped at the last minute you would have been able to come....... Yep sorry it was too noisy and we could not hear you..... Woops..... Sounds like a good but busy weekend and be glad you got done good rain even if they got stuck out in it.....

  8. looks like a lovely weekend was had even if it wasn't the one you had hoped for. YOur Chrismas block is looking great now bird has his beak on the right way.... kids + sugar = trouble ... haha

    Have a lovely week...wonderful you got the rain - hope all the family were ok and MOML is doing better after his pneumonia

  9. The little ones have such great curiosity. I’m glad the bird has a nice visible beak now! I’ll bet you loved the rain. Everything is so fresh afterwards.

  10. It is good to see that somewhere in the world there are stitching meetings.

  11. Those gardens are beautiful. I’m sure you will make up for the weekend next year

  12. The birdie looks lovely now his beak is right....
    The ladies look busy at their bag making class.
    Some great photos , my favourite is the one of the wee ones lying on the bridge ....

  13. Good thing you got that beak where the bird can use it. :)
    The party girls look like they were having way too much fun!
    The rain sounds incredible. I love a good soaking day like that, but sounds like you had some good reasons to be concerned by it, too.
    Loved the shot of the Monarch caterpillar. We used to have them around here when we first moved in, but within a few years they were gone and have not been seen since. Makes me very sad.
    The Quarry Gardens sound like a good way to put an old quarry to use, and the shots of the kiddos are very fun.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend Raewyn, I am sorry we couldn't hear you, too much noise at our end!! Your block is coming along well, good you fixed the bird before going too far. I bet the ladies enjoyed their class. Lovely to see the grandchildren out and about, there is a quarry gardens in Tauranga, planted with loads of orchids.

  15. I like the standard time too! I think we all should just stay on standard time...
    That's a wonderful room for stitching! Makes me want to go to the lumber store and remodel a room or two in our home! ;-)
    Lovely stitching...looking forward to seeing more!

  16. beautiful start to your current block, love the wool applique.
    Looks like a great outing with your daughter and grandies.
    love the photo of that big fat caterpillar!

  17. Raewyn - I am still chuckling over that last photo of the kids on the bridge -- we can learn so much from kids and their unbridled joy! So glad you got all that rain - so important in so many ways - fewer wildfires, for wildlife, for farming ... Have a great weekend!

  18. Sounds like a great weekend . Your grandbabies are the sweetest; there is nothing like them. Love your applique project. Have a lovely rest of the week.

  19. A very busy time for you. Great to get the rain and we can't always pick the timing for it. Hope everyone got through okay.
    Also hope hubby is getting better.
    That looks like a fascinating park to visit as well.

  20. Love the photo of your grandies on the bridge, sorry you missed scrub stitching, look forward to seeing the bags

  21. Looks like a fun wool project. And the class for the bag..... wonderful turn our. Best of all the fun day with grandkids.
    In stitches

  22. Social is good. There is plenty of time for serious sewing. I’m looking forward to seeing all the bags the ladies are making. We did miss you at Baradine and I’m so pleased you are coming next year. I love the gardens. What a great transformation from a quarry.


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