
Thursday, March 4, 2021

More February Sewing

As we're now well and truly into March and I'm just posting the last of my February sewing now, I'm going to keep this post short and sweet - hopefully no lengthy explanations and wordiness, she says optimistically!

I did a little secret sewing during February —
Yes, looks intriguing doesn't it?! It's a class sample bag for work...sadly I didn't get mine done in time for the launch of all our new projects last weekend, but I'm on the home run and it shouldn't take me too long to complete. 
Don't you just love that fabric - do you think perhaps that this might be a travel bag for grandies to bring to ganma's and gandad's for a sleepover.....!

The rest of the sewing to report is blocks.
I made four more blocks for my Omigosh! quilt —
Three more Scrappy Christmas ornament blocks —
I received two surprise parcels in the mail, from the very thoughtful Fiona and Sue.In the packages were an assortment of Christmas scraps - perfect for more of my ornament blocks! (I've used one above in the white/colourful block). I'm looking forward to using these as I was getting a little tired of my own Christmas scraps!
This star block is for a sewalong we are doing at work
Here is a block I took home over the Christmas holidays to work on. It's from the Redwork Garden BOM we are running at work. It did take me a while to get around to stitching it, but it's now done and back where it should be!
All in all I only added 12 new blocks to this year's tally for Prairie Moon's 350 block challenge. Hopefully March will be a different story!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Lots of lovely sewing there Raewyn, love the little dog in the Xmas block. Your shop samples are lovely too.

  2. I like the Omigosh! Quilt !!

  3. I really love those ornament blocks. And the applique is exquisite. You have some wonderful projects.

  4. The redwork is lovely - as are all your other projects. The bag is intriguing! xx

  5. You are always so productive, what with work, the farm, and family. How nice to receive the gift of some Christmas fabric in the mail!

  6. Goodness me there are a lot of different projects happening..... and all lovely ones too.... good luck with the bag .. and all the others!!!

  7. Lots of lovely projects, cute dog ornament, love your applique.

  8. Raewyn - the farm motif fabric in the first photo is so adorable! And I love the dachshund dog in the middle of that block! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I like the idea of the bags being for the grands to bring when they sleep over. Very fun.
    Look at all the blocks you have made--and the Redwork Garden block looks none too easy!
    That was a sweet surprise for your friends to enhance your Christmas fabric options. You are a block making machine!

  10. Everything is looking wonderful.
    Love seeing the ornament collection growing.
    And the red and white garden is intriguing.

  11. Those ornament blocks are so cute. The fussy cut dog is perfect. Love the OMGosh blocks.

  12. Lots of cute sewing there. I love the farm fabric.

  13. Wonderful things, especially the redwork garden blocks.


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