
Monday, February 15, 2021

A flimsy!!

It's well over a week since my last post - where has the time gone and what have I been up to?
(A week ago) We had two small children for the weekend (two whole nights!) so their parents could attend a wedding down country. 
While the kiddies were staying, we had their cousin's first birthday to attend.
YD made him a fun lawnmower cake - it's his favourite thing at the moment!!
After the busy weekend, I spent a quiet Monday recovering (!) with a bit of sewing added in.
I finally got my 2020 Temperature quilt together —
I'm pleased with how the temperature scale came out in the borders —
But it is a very white quilt so photographing it with a coloured background was tricky. I had to be very careful to keep it clean! —  

Some photos from that weekend. The birthday boy, Odie, and some balls (and cousins) —

Lily feeding the chickens. George ends up dumping his bucket of feed on the ground. She likes to sit and dish out each grain one by one (almost!) —
Taking the 'family' for a farm ride —
Two small children running and dancing —
And finding a very dry 'thing'. "What's dat?"..... "A cowpat".....they didn't realise a cowpat is another word for cow muck and had a grand old time stomping on it. Luckily it was so dried they didn't break the surface and create a splatter!
And somewhere along the line I made another bib for Odie —

From Tuesday onwards I was on jury duty, yes, I got randomly selected to be on the jury...the trial is still going. Today (Monday) we had off but we'll be back to it tomorrow for the next few days. Interesting.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. love your temperature quilt, it looks amazing.
    lots of time with your little special people, looks like they have had a ball.
    good luck with your jury duty

  2. You sure have had a busy time with looking after kiddies, going to a special party , ( love Odie's cake)and still having a bit of sewing time to make the cute bib.
    Your Temperature Quilt looks great...
    Hope your jury duty doesn't take too long....

  3. Oh, I have been waiting for the finale. That temperature quilt is fabulous! The photos of the kiddies are great and that lawnmower cake is adorable. That was one of our grandson's favorite things at 1 also. Happy stitching.

  4. love how the quilt turned out!! great. The kids look like they are having so much fun - who knew a "cowpat" could be so fun (I think here most refer to them as "cowpies"

  5. I love your temperature quilt. It's a great layout scheme.

  6. I'd love to know what the scale is for your temperature quilt... I would have thought you'd need more numbers! Looks fab by the way and the birthday cake! Wow!!

  7. I love how your temperature quilt turned out and adding the colours for the scale on the side just finishes it off.... love the littlies in the cow pat!! haha.... enjoy the rest of your jury duty....

  8. The temperature quilt came out fabulous! The cake is fun. Recovery from watching littles is a "real" thing. LOL Looks like a fun time.

  9. Its always a fun time at your farm!
    Love your temperature quilt that I one of the nicest patterns I have seen for this.

  10. Your temperature quilt is beautiful! How wonderful to have the grand there for the weekend but Monday probably felt pretty good. My favorite thing about the pictures, NO SNOW! Happy stitching!

  11. Wel, done on finishing your temperature quilt it looks fantastic. I can't believe Odie is one already, where did that year go!! Wonderful photos of the grandies enjoying the farm.

  12. What a fun cake! And your flimsy is beautiful! :0)

  13. Your temperature quilt looks great Raewyn. Lovely photos of the children having fun.

  14. Busy times...especially with jury duty thrown into the mix. The kids look like they enjoyed it. I love that cake! Very clever. Your temperature quilt turned out beautifully.

  15. What a loaded post!
    That cake is so clever! I wonder how much the little guy will love lawnmowers when mowing is his job? :)
    Your temperature quilt is truly wonderful!
    I enjoyed hearing about (and seeing) the wee ones and their adventures. Feeding the chickens and finding the cow pat had me laughing.
    And jury duty on top of it all--wow!

  16. Lovely pictures of the little ones. I love the way your temperature quilt has turned out - just the nicest I have seen! xx

  17. The temperature quilt worked out so well

    Hopefully, jury duty won't last too long and it's not too nasty.

  18. Just catching up on your last few posts, and you certainly have been busy, lots of great stitching.

  19. It looks like that birthday was a lot of fun. And having the grandies stay is always fun, .... but very tiring. Looks like a great time was had running around the farm.
    Lovely to see the temp quilt all put together. It is very colourful and looks great.

  20. A fun and busy weekend either the kidlets. The cake is very clever. Your temperature quilt looks great, and the backdrop works so well in your photo. I hope the trial doesn’t go for too long.

  21. Oh, Raewyn! I laughed and laughed at the cowpat story ... "what's dat?!" LOL! And Lily parceling out the feed to the chickens - adorable! The temperature quilt is a fabulous result, and I loved seeing the barn as the backdrop. And that lawnmower cake is amazing! Enjoy your weekend!

  22. Lots of fun happenings there Raewyn! Love the birthday cake... avoid the cowpat... temperature quilt is fantastic!!! I've never had jury duty sadly... maybe one day, I imagine it could be interesting...xx

  23. The temp scale looks great going all the way around......
    Move time with the kids.....


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