
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Finishes for January

YD or her hubby try to visit at least once a week so their boys, two large dogs, can have a good run on the farm. When she arrived this morning she told me that while they were here we would be bib making for young Odie. Apparently his current bib situation doesn't keep up with his messy food habits and dribbly-ness.
After a quick search through my stash she found a few suitable fabrics.  While she was turning The Palace upside down and inside out I hunted out some towelling and the pattern I'd made by drawing around his bib on Christmas day.
Gandad took the boy for a few minutes and before long we had a bib. 
Modelled and in use —
After they had gone, I made another one. (YD had left a wee pile of suitable fabrics for me to work through!)

My goal for the month was to finish Odie's Lorax quilt, and here it is, ready to gift for his birthday next week —
I do tend to custom quilt my quilts, rather than all-over designs so that does mean a few thread changes. Aurifil #50 is my thread of choice. I like how the thread has a nice sheen but doesn't take over the quilt. As well, the spools are a useful size for the amount of quilting I do. Just as well I've built up a good selection of colours over the years!
I started with a foundation pieced centre. The Lorax came from Fathom in Stitches. A great site for this sort of design. 
I quilted simple circles in the Truffala Trees and then more Truffala Trees in the background.
As a nod to Odie's Ngati Kahunganu heritage I also added some stylised Koru as fillers in the background.
Finding the border fabric really helped me to cement my design as I wasn't sure what I was doing until then, apart from the central Lorax! In it I quilted 'meandering squares' - I'm not sure what the design is called,  if it actually has a name, and is one inspired by what I've seen Suzanne using on her blog in the past. I think it was just right for this border and sewed up really quickly!
The cornerstones in the outer border are probably the most densely quilted areas in the whole quilt, but I believe they work really well!
I left it too late in the day to take my photos and there were too many shadows. In the end I discovered the swing frame was the best place!

And I have one more make to report. Lily's Paw Patrol cap went missing at daycare. It was the only one she would wear. Luckily Ganma happened to have some Paw Patrol fabric in the Palace, so I got to work.
I used the Twig and Tale Sunny Hat pattern; this is a fabulous site for practical and stylish clothes - with great instructions too.
Lined with ladybugs. It can be reversible if she tires of Paw Patrol.
I fussy cut the pink fabric as it would have looked silly with a whole lot of puppies cut in half —
And ended up with a rather impressive crown!!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Lindo patrΓ£o. Amei os babadore, estou com uma neta a caminho. Bj.

  2. The quilt, hat and bib are all so cute. I love the way the quilt turned out. I hadn't seen a hat made like that although of course I know people make them. I like that style - good idea to try to get a little one to wear a hat in the summer sun

  3. Beautiful finishes love how you quilted the quilt Love the little hats thanks for the link I will be making some

  4. Yay for interlocking boxes! I don't know if it has an official name... it usually turns up somewhere in quilting books with one name or another. It is the first design I tried and is definitely my go to. The quilt turned out great BTW 😍😍

  5. Yay for interlocking boxes! I don't know if it has an official name... it usually turns up somewhere in quilting books with one name or another. It is the first design I tried and is definitely my go to. The quilt turned out great BTW 😍😍

  6. I think you could say==that January went to the kids!!!
    Cute bibs and sweet hat-
    and that quilt is really neat!!!
    take care--luv, di

  7. Everything you have made looks lovely Raewyn. I love the border fabric on your quilt. Perfect match!Thanks for the Website for the hats.

  8. Oh that Lorax quilt is just the BEST! I love how you quilted it and thank you for the detailed pictures. That hat is adorable-good to know on the pattern site!

  9. Odie's quilt is a true treasure, and that paw patrol hat turned out so cute!

  10. Great finishes! The Lorax quilt turned out awesome!!

  11. The kidlets are lucky to have such a talented Ganma with such a versatile stash. I’m sure all the projects will be loved.

  12. The Lorax quilt is wonderful!! Love the way the whole quilt has come together. You created a great design. Beautiful work with the quilting, too.
    Looks like you have been kept busy with bibs and hats. Great results on both.

  13. What lovely finishes! Great bibs, super quilt and delightful sun hats. Clever Granny! πŸ€—

  14. Ganma has made some beautiful bibs , perfect sun hat and the Lorax quilt is gorgeous... fabulous quilting....

  15. Fussy cut hat is brilliant.... a real designer item! Love the Lorax quilt... I also do that with my quilting... change colours and using that thread ... does make a nice finish that shows off the quilt.... and I love the bibs....

  16. Didn't you do well! The lorax quilt is wonderful, and how clever to make that stunning hat! Babies always need more bibs, dont they.

  17. Love, love love the Lorax quilt. The design is fun and your quilting certainly kicked it up a notch too. Lucky girl getting such a stylish hat. The fussy cutting really worked out beautifully!

  18. You made a wonderful hat for Lily, the top of the hat looks fantastic, she will love it I am sure. The Lorax quilt is stunning, young Odie makes a wonderful model, his bibs look great.

  19. Your Lorax quilt is fabulous and love the quilting. Lily's hat is great.


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