
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Day 8 of Block a Day December

My day got off to an interesting start this morning when I had to do an emergency dash to Playcentre to go on a Snuggly hunt.
(Snuggly is the precious sleep buddy of 2 year old Lily.)
I searched high and low but poor Snuggly was nowhere to be found.
After a call with ED and some further research on her part, Snuggly was finally found in the horse paddock! Crisis averted - whew!
That was about as exciting as my day got; I did some tidying and sorting and by afternoon was ready for some sewing.
I kept it simple today, sewing up the Scrappy Sprouts I'd prepped the other day —
There are six in this strip now. I think I'll keep it like this.... I have seen some Sprout quilts with flowers at the top of the stem so I'll do some research and gather some ideas.

In other breaking news, I started basting The Lorax quilt today —
I thought, "Right, I've made a start, time to feed the animals and get onto dinner" but he looked so unhappy with just one undignified pin that I gave in and added a few more!
I'll finish basting in the morning and hope to start quilting tomorrow too.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Good morning so glad you found the toy and your quilt squares looking amazing Kathy

  2. Oh I remember those days! A lost baby, it was the end of the world. LOL found in the horse paddock. My middle grandson carried around a baby doll that he found which had been mine when I was a little girl. She went everywhere with him. If he was outside, he would say, "Here hold my baby!" Then off he would go. She was his for a few months, then he found another softer baby to sleep with.

  3. I just see you searching for the lost stuffed toy - glad you found it - and with the horses :)

  4. There would be nothing more upsetting to a young child than a lost Snuggly! Naughty toy wanted to go and hang out with the horses for a while.

  5. Widget had 'monkey' and it had to go everywhere.... I am glad Snuggly was found


  6. Thank goodness Snuggly was found!! Your sprouts are looking good. Keen to see how you quilt the Lorax.

  7. Goodness! Reminds me of the time my daughter (3 at the time) lost “Simba” (he went everywhere with her!) and he spent the night at K-Mart. We were there before they even opened and the night stocking crew had found him! Whew! That was a rough night! Lol Glad Snuggly was found!!

  8. I love the Lorax block. I keep telling myself I need to try some of those wonderful paper piecing projects, but they just never seem to make it to the top of the queue.

  9. Not enough hours in the day.
    I am pleased Snuggly was found. That could have been a major disaster.
    The sprouts look great.

  10. Oh so good you found Snuggley......
    Good work on the sprouts.....

  11. We’ve had some crazy and LONG searches for those things with our grandchildren. It made me glad that my children did not have any. lol. Lorax is going to be fabulous. Loving your sprouts.

  12. I've seen those sprouts blocks in the RSC and would love to do that one year... maybe 2021. I am going to do a strips block of some kind since that bin is overflowing! Yay for finding the baby.

  13. Another productive day. I’m so please Snuggly was located. I remember how unhappy I was when my Golly was left at Grandma’s once and had to “have a holiday” until our next visit.


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