
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Day 5 of Block a Day December

The last time I shared about my 2020 Temperature quilt if looked like this —
This was back in September and, sadly, I haven't touched it again. 
So if I'm to get this (top) finished on January 1st as I wanted to, I need to get back to it!

Today's block is the first week of October, where the temperatures ranged between 7º and 23º —
I need to keep this one out so it doesn't get forgotten again!
It joined the last few day's blocks up on the wall —

And here's the start of another sprout block. Wanting to tidy up a bit I prepped this for another day —

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Your Temperature Quilt will look fabulous when done...
    Good start on the next Sprout..

  2. I need to get back to some started that I haven't touched in months too - I started too many over the last couple years that I no longer have interest in I think. Your temperature quilt will look great when done

  3. I keep thinking I want to make a temperature quilt but then I get over it and don't. Good luck getting yours finished up.

  4. Your temperature quilt will look great once it is done.
    Very colourful too, especially if you get some of the temperature ranges we down here in the south. LOL

  5. Nice to see your blocks lined up, great colours in your temp quilt.

  6. That temperature quilt looks interesting and i love the sprout blocks

  7. Lovely colours in your temperature quilt! Your blocks are looking good you encouragement to see your progress x

  8. Wow, I absolutely love your temperature quilt. I'm sure you'll catch up before the end of the year. LOL My temp quilt is still sitting at June!

  9. I’m sure you will get the temperature quilt done. This month’s challenge will definitely help.

  10. I do like your emperature quilt so am looking forward to seeing the finished top. xx

  11. Always lots of different projects to do.... temperature quilt is going to be lovely

  12. It looks like you have Oh My Gosh blocks on the wall. I have barely started one as well. Mine will be a long long time before I get it rolling good.

  13. I really love your version of the temperature quilt!
    And congrats on keeping your daily block commitment going!


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