
Monday, December 28, 2020

Day 28 of Block a Day December

I think I had too big a piece of Christmas Cake at lunch time today as my brain didn't engage and I seemed to do a lot of unpicking when I got to my sewing after lunch!
Units upside down or back to front!
However I persisted and finally made some satisfying progress.
First up, two temperature quilt blocks, the first two weeks of November —
Instead of sewing more of November, I decided to join some of the months previously sewn but not yet connected. August-September-October —
This was one of the times I did a major error, sewing August below September (instead of above it). Mum dared to suggest that no-one would know!! Excuse Me I said, I would know and the temperatures just wouldn't make sense! After I explained it all to her in a bit more detail she did see my point!
And then joined to the rest of the year - yaay, woohoo, looking good 😁
I joined the temperature scale to the top, above January, but part way through the seam realised I had intended doing a border before this went on.
Yes, definitely needs that border separating the 'year' from the 'scale'. It's unpicked already.

And the Scrappy Christmas quilt has taken over as the current leader-ender project (Omigosh! is going away for a bit) and with all the unpicking and re-sewing, I managed one more of those  —
(Excuse the crumple, carrying it upstairs to photograph it.)  And I started a second.
EDIT I have discovered where the pattern can be found. I am fairly certain it was a free tutorial for a time and is now available in in this book —

I'm counting down the days,
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I have to laugh at Omgosh taking a break - my Afternoon Delight has taken close to a year break - I barely started it

  2. Your temperature quilt is looking awesome! Of course you couldn't leave August after September. :)
    Love the new ornament. How many of those blocks do you have now?

  3. The Temperature Quilt is going to be gorgeous ...
    Another great block.

  4. The temperature quilt is looking amazing such a striking design.

  5. The Temperature quilt is amazing. I think you are very clever not to get lost with it all. It looks fantastic. The ornament is lovely too,

  6. A other beautiful Christmas block, the months have to be in the right order for the temperature quilt! It is looking fantastic.

  7. Love your temperature quilt. It is going to be fabulous.

  8. omg the blogging and all the blocks you have done so well...Christmas sounded lovely.......and I love the temp quilt as you know.......

  9. You have done so well keeping up with these challenges. I am so impressed.

  10. The temperature quilt is so lovely and colourful when it is all together. If you didn’t know the background it would just look like a really fun scrappy quilt. Well done on getting a bonus Christmas ball block made too.

  11. Some days just don't work out... we have all been there... bobbin thread runs out... needles break... wrong sides together instead of right... glad that the day finally behaved itself and you achieved something!

  12. That temperature quilt looks amazing! We all have stitching 'whoopsie' days - I tend to find mine happen when I'm reaching a milestone, and then everything goes wrong. Happy New Year!


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