
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day 26 of Block a Day December

It was definitely a change of pace for all today. Everyone is in holiday mode and as is 'tradition' at this time of the year, we're enjoying leftovers of yumminess for meals. It gives the kitchen staff a nice break :-) 
We still had several families come and visit with plenty of high jinks from young and old alike.
It was learn to fly a drone day. 
The men finally realised that reading the instruction manual was a good idea, and eventually got it under some sort of control.
Later in the day there was another drone session. It didn't end up in a paddock up the hill across the road this time, but it did need retrieving from a tree. 

In between times I had several hours to myself. My brain was on go-slow so I settled into The Palace and sewed up a storm.
Meeting the (self imposed) one block a day challenge has been tricky on some days lately, but today I made not one, nor two........but SIX blocks!!
Five more for the Temperature quilt. September completed now. Just November and December to do —
And one more leader-ender creation for the Omigosh! quilt.

One last photo - here are the two year olds 'helping' feed Miss Piggy. She gets a bucket of milk every day, a treat she really enjoys. 

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. A wonderful day!
    Good work done...and Miss Piggy is a fair size!!

  2. glad you all could retrieve that from the tree! what a large pig!!
    Love the OMG block

  3. Cute kiddie photo, I like pigs too!

  4. Looks like a great day with family--and the bonus of some "me time" in the sewing room!

  5. It must have been funny watching the men work out how to use the drone. Just as well it wasn’t damaged. You did very well with your blocks.

  6. Men always seem to leave the reading of instructions until the last thing to do!! No doubt they enjoyed them selves. Nice to see Miss Piggie. Going really well with your blocks.


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