
Sunday, March 10, 2013

R & R with friends

I had some much needed time out with some friends on Friday and Saturday.
We went Road Tripping!!
Our destination was about 4 1/2 hours away (depending on whether or not you got caught in rush hour traffic as you went through Auckland city!!) and a gorgeous wee treasure trove called Threadbear Cottage.
The delightful Julie there has a specially built cottage set in a lovely garden near Te Awamutu in the Waikato (New Zealand). She makes most of the treasures she sells and everything is tastefully and invitingly displayed.
Now for some eye-candy......
Julie loves Gollies. You cant miss the sign at the gate!
A lovely welcome into the shop.
This photo is for my fellow horsey friends.
Full of treasures!
Lace, doilies, stitcheries, cute little critters everywhere!
These two photos were actually taken in Julie's house - she was very kind and allowed us to 'explore' while she got lunch ready for us!
We stayed in a comfortable B & B, shopped in the little township and ate well :-). I managed to squeeze in a visit to my old boss from my first farm job when I left school. That was many years ago and he is now in his eighties so it was lovely to see him (and he still lives on the farm I worked on so that was a trip down memory lane!).
We all did a bit of shopping!
...most of my purchases were gifts so I have stowed them away. However I did buy this for myself...
Julie makes the most amazing pot-pourri. As well as smelling
delicious, it looks gorgeous.
On the sewing front; I have been doing some but it is mostly projects for my favourite shop which I cant show yet. I bet you want to know what my current Leader and Ender project is though.....
Yes, Maverick Stars!! Oh so cute and a Great Scrap Buster!
I have it laid out next to my sewing machine and just
sew a seam every time I need a leader/ender.

I'll leave you with this saying I found in Julie's house....
"Friends are the most important ingredient in the Recipe for Life"
(Family rates pretty high too!!)
Have a nice week everyone, and happy sewing!!


  1. what a lovely post,good to see you had a great time.xx

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful "Road Trip" Raewyn....I think you probably deserved it too! My brother used to live in Pirongia (just out of TeAwamutu)...the Waikato is a very beautiful region!

  3. What a wonderful place to visit -even lots to see in her house. I have to admit when I see homes decorated like that i wonder how they dust everything. ; c ) Love the photo of the potpourri with the hexagons in the background! Your maverick stars sparkle!

  4. How wonderful to have a weekend like that! It's such a
    nice change to just do something with a friend. I am glad you got the chance to just hang out and see some different things, laugh some different laughs.

  5. That pot-pourri looks good enough to eat! I really like your maverick stars...Julierose

  6. Love her gollywog sign. On the bucket list to visit! Glad you had a brilliant trip away.
    Love Leanne

  7. What a lovely adventure! That little shop looks wonderful.

  8. You've changed your profile pic - it's lovely! Looks like you had a wonderful time in a beautiful shop. Like your maverick stars - I have a thing for colour coordination!

  9. What a fun getaway! Looks like a really interesting place.
    I think I can smell the potpourri from here.
    I am loving those maverick stars!

  10. What a great time for you and your friends!! I'm super glad for you!!!! OOOOO, AAAAAAAh those stars!!!!!!!


  11. That was a lovely visit to Julie's gorgeous shop. Thanks for sharing. I loved your photos. Sweet stars.

  12. What a lovely trip, and what a lovely shop and house! I didn't know Maverick Stars, but I love them, with each piece a different fabric!

    Happy sewing, Cisca

  13. Enjoyed the trip with you even if it. Was only from my chair. Glad you had a great time.

  14. I'm pleased you enjoyed yourself! Wasn't Julie's shop & house inspirational? I have my potpourri in the loo.....not IN the loo, but in the room the loo is in! It smells really nice. Most things I bought are put away in my gift box too.
    I like how you have colour coordinated your M stars. I must finish mine!

  15. judging by the parcels in the back of the car it seems you had a great time!
    love the tour of the shop so much to look at.
    Your stars look gorgeous.

  16. It looks like you had a wonderful time and looks a great place to visit. I must visit there too one day as I probably live the closest to Julie's! Love your star blocks.

  17. I recognize one of those bums... but whose is the other one I wonder?? Glad Leeanne doesn't have her potpourri "in" the loo! Looks like you guys had a great time, and pleased that a trailer was not required to bring back all the loot!

  18. Hello Raewyn ... thank you SO much for the great post & giving me such a good little "plug" on your blog :-) I had a great day with you girls also & hope to see you all again oneday not too far away. Really enjoying reading your blog posts too - hope you have a great week & get lots of crafting time :-) Julie

  19. Glad you had a wonderful time Raewyn, you deserved a good break. A visit to Threadbear Cottage is definitely on my to do list. Loved those maverick starsr

  20. Nice to see the different world we are in :-) beautiful stars!

  21. Love youre Maverick stars, may I ask how big ore small they are?
    I think it is time to sort out my leftover on colour. Don't have that many light fabric.

    Warm regards,


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