
Monday, February 18, 2013

Sewing again!

Thank you all for your special comments, words and prayers after my last posts. They meant a lot to me and if I have inadvertently not responded to your thoughts, I apologise. The world is a huge place and I am so thankful to be a part of it.
It's hard to believe that I have been home again for nearly two weeks. I must say it is taking me a bit to get settled again and back into my routines; however I have having bad moments rather than bad days so that is something I guess.
I did such a good job of packing up my sewing projects before I went away that it actually took me a while to remember where I was with what!!
However my sewing room is once more looking lived in and there are bits and pieces everywhere again - aaahhhh...feels so good!!
Previously I have shown the first two blocks that I had made for the very cute-use-your-orphans-and-scraps blocks run by Pam at Heartspun Quilts. I have since made up all four blocks and here they are -
Block 3 - remember these are all 4 1/2" sized blocks!
Block 4
Pam has made hers into a very cute runner. I'm going to have a think of my one's final resting place before I put mine together...square or running. I am even tempted to do block two again as I loved the way it was made.......!
I'm still thinking on my Threadhead Quiltalong quilt, too. I've laid it out several times.....
The first time was a bit of a disaster
...second laying out was more successful - behind closed doors.
Just placed where they landed.
 I need to spend some time playing so I can get the arrangements right.
(I actually also need a design wall!!)
I love the zig-zag setting but am still deciding how much colour to put in the sashings. I like the stripey effect of the two tans but am still wondering how wide to do each colour-way/stripe.
I'm thinking the plain sashings will give me a chance to do some fun quilting.
I think I will widen the darker stripes (replace some of the light triangles with darker ones).
It's summer here in New Zealand and I was shocked when I returned home to see how much the farm had dried out.  I walked up to the top of 'the back hill' the other day to take these pictures. I often get a lot of comments about how green our farm always looks - right now that's not the case, sadly!
Emma here is showing us how open the pasture is, and very short too.
She wasn't the only one panting after the hill-climb!
Still trying to get the perfect 'dogs frolicking in the river' photo.
But you can see they have fun!
It has been fun getting back into my blog reading and seeing what everyone is up to... I've even been VERY tempted by some new sew-alongs!! Sitting on my hands for now.
Have a great week everyone, and thank you for visiting,
Happy Stitching,


  1. gosh 4 1/2 inches! they are gorgeous.
    Your blocks look lovely arranged in the zig zag setting. A lovely quilt.

  2. Your Orphans and Scraps blocks look great--and I agree with you that block two was so fun. I felt like I had performed some kind of magic. : )
    That Thread Head SAL quilt will be a beauty. You just go right on sitting on your hands so you don't get caught up in anymore SALs for a while!!

  3. I missed your previous post
    I am truly sorry for your loss
    I have followed your fathers journey and illness
    Much love and sincere condolences to you
    Dads and their daughters share a special bond

    I LOVE your last quilt/layout!

  4. Your blocks look very good Raewyn. I have thought of you and I am glad you spoke today. Our region is dry liike straw, we were shocked when we got back from South Africa. Wishing you peace and comfort during the next months. Ann

  5. It sure is good to have you back!
    Love those tiny cute blocks.....that was SAL I nearly said yes to!
    Nice ZigZag effect on the next blocks, the two tans work well.
    Your farm looks greener than some around.

  6. Those must be some TINY pieces if those are 4.5 in blocks! So cute! I love the layout of your quilt, too and the photo with the dog made me laugh. :) Gorgeous farm..

  7. Yay you're back! Your blocks are very cute.
    It is very dry here in the 'Naki' too...

  8. Good to have you back bloging again.
    Like the little blocks you made.
    Can't wait untill you start quilting the plain sashings.

    Warm regards,

  9. My comment just disappeared into the ether so, just to say, great work there Raewyn. In your capable hands they will soon be finished. Stay positive and keep busy. Sending a big hug and a kiss.x

  10. LOL, I often have to lock my kitties out of the bedroom if I'm laying a quilt out on the bed. That's probably the biggest space I have, still.

    Lovely colors in both your projects!

  11. Nice to have you back. Your Pam blocks are so sweet, and your QAL blocks are going to make a stunning quilt. Thanks for sharing pcs of your home...what a beautiful place, even with the greens a little faded from the sun. Take care...

  12. Welcome Back Lovely!!!! Glad you're bad days are now bad'll take a while, but with time they'll change from ''bad'' to "special times reminiscing"! Good - no - GREAT to see you back in the sewing room too....your posts really do give me inspiration! xoxo

  13. Welcome home. Beautiful blocks. I loved your photos especially the furry people in the creek.

  14. So glad that life is getting back to "normal" LOL!!! You know, it might be dry for you - but you have more green now that we did last year!!! Your quilting projects are looking great!!


  15. All of your blocks are beautiful, such great colors!I loved seeing your farm scenery too. Take care.

  16. Is red your favorite color? It really does brighten up both of these quilts. These blocks will make pretty quilts no matter how you set them.
    How nice to have wide open spaces on your property. Those dogs sure do look like they are having fun.

  17. The waether man says fine right through to friday - good for being outside, but he ground needs it - I can only imagine how much more your lands needs a good drop of rain.

    A design wall must be the next "need"
    Love Leanne

  18. O, Raewyn, I've had the flue and didn't read your last post. I'm so sorry for you. I lost my father 24 years ago and I still miss him so much. But the memories are still there and you can think of him of a very good man and father. What a nice photo of the two of you! And I remember that beautiful quilt you made for him.

    Your blocks are so beautiful, I love them!

    Greetings, Cisca

  19. Dear Raewyn,
    I glad that you are back and I´m sorry for your lost, I didn´t read you last blogpost before.
    You projects looks beautiful, I love your fabric choises.
    thank you for sharing the photos of your home, even if it´s not so green right now. I still think that ist´s a great place to live.
    Liebe Grüße

  20. Very nice! I love the variety of blocks in your Threadhead QAL. Glad you are back to sewing!

  21. Thanks for the peeks Raewyn. It is wonderful to see you are back enjoying your patchwork. Would love to meet those 41/2 inch blocks sometime, they look so cute.

  22. Nice to see you back and hear that you're doing ok.

    We're pretty dry up this way too, with extra dusty gravel roads.

  23. I really like the way the quilt looks on point and the background fabrics. Very pretty - can't wait to see it completed.

  24. I love those orphan blocks.. if you're looking for someone to adopt them.....;o) Your Thread Head layout looks great. You are going great guns with it. Did you have a little frolic in the river with the dogs? Nice way to cool off.....

  25. Wonderful scrap blocks, and your star blocks are so lovely!


  26. All your blocks are so beautiful and the zigzag quilt is looking great. Love the dog frolicking photo, it's hard to catch moving animals! I struggle with our chooks.

  27. Those tiny blocks are so cute!! I love your Threadhead blocks too, much easier to lay them out without a helper though LOL
    Gee things are looking dry up there, fingers crossed for some decent rain for you soon....


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