
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bits and pieces

This could be called a bit of a mop-up post as I found a couple of photos that I haven't yet shared :-)
I started Life Is Beautiful a little while ago. It is what I work on at nights when I am between projects.
'That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet'.
[Needs a good press sorry.]
And I think the below will be my one and only complete finish for the month.
Bon-Bon by Anni Downs (Hatched and Patched).
Yes I probably need to replace the ribbon, it was all I could find at home.
[BONUS~This was a UFO from two Christmases ago!!]

I'm down at my Mum and Dad's at the moment as my dad isn't so well. Yesterday I attacked Mum's pile of mending.... she wanted her pot mitt patched....NO, not thrown out and replaced, but mended, as she loves this one so much (size, thickness, bendability)
Before photo.....
...after photo
As you can see I couldn't help myself and she has ended up with a Raewyn-style patched patchwork job!!
I felt quite the pioneer... I had one of my rulers but I had to use a pen to mark the squares and cut it out with the scissors too!! Obviously I am suffering from being away from my own sewing cave!!
Mum has a little tin of these suspender  hooks which are
perfect for this job!
I just love her old tin. It's been around forever!
 So now I'm all mopped up! Thank you for visiting; I hope you find (or found as the case may be) a bit of creative time today (even if it is just mending pot mitts!),


  1. Oh thank goodness I was afraid that you were only going to show mending! How pleasing to see a patchwork piece popped into the mending! The pot mitt is now quite sexy don't you think, with the suspender hook?

  2. LOL Leeanne - very sexy.

    Raewyn I love your mums values.

    I've admired the Life is Beautiful many times on the net. DROOL.

    Hope your dad is comfotable ((HUGS))
    Love Leanne

  3. Love the Raewyn style mending;O)
    Hope your Dad is feeling better real soon...

  4. love your lib block. The blue thread is gorgeous.
    Well done on that mending job, it's as good as new!
    what a great use for suspender hooks lol
    hope your dad is on the mend.

  5. Love your style and stitchery!!
    They and you are amazing :>)


  6. Great mending job, now I would never have thought of using that suspender clip but it really is perfect ! Hope your Dad's health improves . Take care.

  7. Love the latest 'in between' night time project Raewyn, look forward to seeing more in the future. Great Mending!!

  8. That first project is beautiful!
    What a makeover that potholder received! Great job!!

  9. Aren't you the wonderful daughter! I love your Life is Beautiful.

  10. Love your stitcheries...and what a wonderful daughter you are to improve the pot holder!

  11. What a clever way to 'patch'something some loves==way to go-girl friend!
    and I love your little finishes--
    sure hope your Dad gets to feeling better real soon--
    hugs, di and miss gracie

  12. Great projects and what a great tin, when I saw the pot holder I thought it that what I think it is....great

  13. Love Life is Beautiful - going to purchase the journal this year and make a start.....hope your dad feels better soon....the blessing from all this is you all get to spend some unplanned time together.....enjoy the mending xoxo

  14. Wow, your stitcheries are so lovely!
    Good idea about potholder too :)


  15. Lots of lovely things on show here.

  16. Love your patchwork patch job. I have some favorite things that are old and fit my smaller hands so I know how your Mom feels.
    Hope you get some stitching in today.

  17. Mending can be fun too! Wish your Dad well.

  18. Love your stitched block, and love the bon bon, great finish. Your creative mending is fantastic, especially with the basic tools available, very 'pioneer' style :)

  19. Love your lib block, your stitching is beautiful! Lovely bonbon too and your mum's pot mitt looks great!

  20. Pretty stitchery and I think your bon bon is great, love the red ribbon.
    Good job on the patching :)
    I am finally able to add your pic to the "1 Xmas" page, thanks for sharing.

  21. Great life is beautiful stitchery,! I need new pot holders, good Ida with suspenders- holders :))All the best for your dad.


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