
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas prep...

I seem to have had a bit of an unofficial bloggy break (sometimes these things happen!) here I am making a concerted effort to put that right :-)
In spite of my limited blog-reading time  I do know there's been a 'bit of talk' about Christmas lately - it's so much fun to see the Christmas spirit around the world so I thought I would add to it as well.
Christmas in New Zealand  for me, goes hand in hand with summer... we seem to be busy busy busy leading up to Christmas then all of a sudden the country stops and most people are in holiday mode. For us on the farm the cows still need milking but it is still a relaxing time of salads and sunblock.
For me, there are little things that get my adrenalin going and get me excited about Christmas coming.....
...Yummy fresh foods start appearing signalling relaxing meals with family and friends...
...The flower garden puts on a nice show before too much summer sun starts drying it out too much. The appearance of my red Christmas lilies lets me know it really is December and that Christmas is coming.
...Likewise the Manuka is in flower giving us our very own special sprinkling of Christmas snow,
It was difficult to photograph but these sprinklings of white flowers are
throughout the bush. Scrubby trees really but the Manuka honey from
them is highly prized. In fact there have been bee wars in our district
lately with 3 different beekeepers wanting to put their hives in our bush.

The bees are as busy as....bees!
[I  took a couple of really neat bee photos yesterday, shown here, if you are interested...]
So I really am feeling Christmassy even if we still have to find a (real) Christmas tree and get some decorations out - we have no children at home this year to bully, nag, motivate us!

I've done a little Christmas sewing - this is all I'm showing of this little project just now; these are 'one good turn deserves another' gifts (or gifts for Random Act of Kindness I have received).
I can tell you though that these blocks have come from the Quiltmakers
100 Blocks magazines; I find them a great resource.
And this morning I finished this 'Art Binder' for my nephew. I'm quite happy with it, and the excellent tutorial for it can be found here.

Some of you will be aware that this year I joined the Farmers Wife Quiltalong with Brynwood Needleworks. The lovely Donna sent me this lovely wee gift recently - just for participating!! Thank you Donna.

I'm impressed you are still with me...! I just have 2 more photos to show - both of little critters ---
Here is my latest Hannah and Harrington block - number 8,
yaay, I'm catching up!!
For those closer friends who have been asking about the new carpet we put
down recently , this photo shows you how well camouflaged
our pets are on it!!
I feel caught up now, thank you all for reading through to the end!!
Wishing you all fun, happiness and excitement in the lead up to the festive season -
and happy sewing everyone,


  1. Wow your strawberries are doing better than mine.....and I love Hannah and Harrington and the wishing well. Great choice of carpet colour also. The pets look right at home!!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too! It's amazing how busy you get round this time even if you are trying to keep it small and simple.

    Love that art binder - great idea for next years chrissy presents.

  3. Gorgeous post Raewyn, we are enjoying the strawberries too and I love the blueberries. Love your photography in your other blog. And the art binder and your blocks are lovely too ... it is a busy time of year isn't it!!

  4. Beautiful flowering bush. I ought to see if it will grow here in CA. You've been busy and the gifts and blocks look great. So funny that your animals blend into your carpet.

  5. My gosh, did you say there were pets on your carpet? I didn't see any!
    I bet you are rapt.

  6. Lovely Blog Post Raewyn - have a lovely lovely Christmas - hope those milkers are well behaved on Tuesday!


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