
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rounding up my week

The weather has turned for us this week, we're definitely feeling a lot cooler that we had been. After a lovely autumn, winter seems to  be in the air. I felt for the Duckshooters out in their Maimai's this morning on Opening Day of Duckshooting season. None out on our farm this year but I could hear shots going off on neighbouring properties.... hope they had plenty of flasks with warm refreshments with them!
It's been catch up week this week after my recent quilt finish. I joined the Friends with Benefits swap...Kallie, my swap partner, and I both got a little behind so we delayed our mailing for a few days. Kallie's gift is now winging its way to her.... of course I cant show you what I made for her.... but maybe a sneak peak won't go amiss.......
Hi Kallie, this is all you're seeing for now....
Another challenge I have taken part in recently was one run by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts. She mailed out small packs of randomly selected pre-cut shapes for people to play with. They were already backed with fusible web.
Here you can see YD had a play and decided a scene was needed.... if you stretch your imagination a little you can make out people riding horses along a road..the horses are reminiscent of frilled neck lizards!.

'person on horse'
Back to the drawing board, me thinks...Here is what I ended up with.... pleasing I thought, but I ran out of time to create something really spectacular!! I emailed a picture through to Edyta by the first of May as required. This weekend I hope to work on it a little more and make it into a mini... I have a spot on a wall where I think it will look quite nice;

I like how Edyta manages to successfully combine batiks
with other fabrics so decided to try a plaid background.
I quite like the effect.
And speaking of minis... if you are up for a challenge, why not join in Joanne's Friendship mini sampler.....  free instructions every day for a week..... I did Day One this morning---it was quicker to sew today's block than it was to decide which fabrics to use!

Happy sewing everyone - and thanks for visiting,


  1. I am sure your swap partner will be thrilled.
    Love the ES appliqué!!
    Great flying geese.
    Hopefully I will see you this weekend.

  2. Well--now you've done it!!!!
    I gotta do another one of these little stitch alongs--will be doing the one with ThreadHead--now to decide on colors?????
    Like you said, sometimes that takes longer that actually sewing the parts!!!!!
    Thanks--Hugs,Di and miss gracie

  3. I see you have used some nice Kiwi fabrics for Kallie's swap...
    Love the applique.
    Nice flying geese too.

  4. Can't wait to see the whole sneak preview.....I actually liked the frill neck lizard scene - although what you have made is also nice too Raewyn :)

  5. Yes I can see the pretty horses!
    Cute block too.

  6. Look at those cute horses.
    Your mini sampler is going to be cute.

  7. Had a giggle about your comment that choosing fabric took longer than sewing the block! I often find that is the case for me, too! Nice to have choices though, think of how much we'd complain if we didn't have them!

  8. I've been scrolling back through your blog and having a good catchup. How exciting to find such treasures from your Grandma, and the size of those apples is amazing! You have to wonder how the branches handle it. I like the colours you've used in your latest finish and the farmer's wife blocks are very cute. I'm a duckshooting widow this weekend. But I had plenty to keep me busy...I had to find my floor again after I've been away for two weeks and the kids and him have had free rein!

  9. Love the applique on the plaid background.

  10. What a fun applique project, I love what you did end up with.

  11. Love what you did with Edyta's pieces and the plaid background is perfect, I think.


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