
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weekend Diversion - Someone to Love....

I thought it would be nice to join in with Leanne's Someone to Love, Something to Do, Something to look forward to post on her blog.
Here is her inspiration -
"Happiness is pretty simple:
someone to love,
something to do,
something to look forward to.” ― Rita Mae Brown,
 She has a Mr Linky up so you can join in if you like,, or go and see what other bloggers are up to.

Someone to love....

This has to be the MOML - (Man Of My Life) - hardworkworking, funny, patient, tolerant and ever forgiving of me and my addiction :-)
One to hold on to, this one.
(Yes he has pulled his cap down over his face for the photo!)

Something to do....
The Crossword!! Our daily paper has changed its format, publication time, etc, this week. When we didn't get the Friday night Jumbo Crossword last night I was worried... whew... it's appeared in Saturday's edition :-) It's the one I look forward to every week.
 (Maybe I should have zoomed in on it more in case I need help with the clues...!)

Something to look forward to.....
-Spring - yes these little daffs are a sure sign that spring is on it's way.... trouble is we're only halfway through Autumn!!!

Have a nice weekend every-one!


  1. I can't believe you have got daffodills already! I've just finished planting mine.

  2. That is such a nice post! Funny to think of spring when we haven't even started winter!

  3. Enjoyed this post Raewyn....
    Nice Daffies. Just bought some bulbs today....

  4. How fun! I'll have to do this, too.

    I've awarded you the Liebster award. It's an effort to get readers into little known blogs of note. Details are on my blog.

  5. returning the compoliment of a visit to a felow joiner-inner!! LOl

    Leanne x

  6. This is a great idea...think I might join in too. Interesting, I've discovered a new (to me) type of puzzle that I'm a little addicted to right now. Kind of like a crossword but with numbers. Love the flowers too!

  7. Thanks for playing! And to your MOYL for allowing his photo to be taken. SMILE.
    I can't believe you have a spring flower out. I'm still chilling the bulbs in the fridge.
    Love Leanne

  8. Daffodils already??? they are pretty though... Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

  9. Yikes....spring flowers?? I saw blossoms on a wild peach tree while out walking the other day, I think some plants are in a muddle!


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