
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Farmer's Wife dilemma

As a Farmer's Wife, a Farmer's Daughter, A Farmer's Grand-daughter (and more) I thought tackling the Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt was a GOOD idea!! This year I joined the Farmers Wife quiltalong run by Donna. Inspite of the wonderful support from her I haven't got as far along on my journey as I would have liked (!) but I have competed 8 blocks.Now to my dilemma - how does a Farmer's Wife display her blocks?-
On a Farmer's Wife's Farmbike?....
#20 Churn Dash
...In a Farmer's Wife's Woodshed?...
#10 Bowtie
....In a Farmer's Wife's garden?...
#103 Whirlwind
...on the Farmer's Wife's Gumboots?....
#2 Autumn Tints
...or on a Farmer's Wife's floor?
Less adventurous but easier to arrange!
#34 Flock, #21 Contrary Wife (had to make that one)
#9 Box and #16 Calico Puzzle
So far, all machine pieced.  These are 6" blocks, which I find quite a nice size.
As usual with me, my fabrics are a mixture - I'm not very good at sticking to themes, ranges or eras. I am using, mostly, reproductions fabrics - and anything else that takes my eye.

I've had a bit of fun making this pin cushion for my ED this week. I made YD one earlier on this year so now I have evened it up with one for each girl.
No red felt for the embellishment so I made a red yo-yo instead!
She's called Henrietta Turtle; a Heather Bailey pattern. I quite enjoyed making it but I must admit it nearly ended up on the compost heap at one stage... however I pulled out the stuffing and tried some different fill and had a lot better success - I couldn't believe what a difference the better quality stuffing made!
Here's Henrietta, now called Frank, with his new Mum, ED, on the right
(and YD on the left).
We popped down to Auckland to see her for her birthday today.
Time to go - thanks for visiting, and happy stitching,


  1. hello Mrs farmers wife....liking your displays, how about a block on one of the cows?
    Super cute turtle too!
    P.S looks like you washed your gumboots for the photo shoot.....

  2. Lovely blocks, wonderful displays! The turtle is so cute, ED will be glad to have it. Congrats to you all, have a nice day together!
    Happy squilting, Cisca

  3. Lovely idea Raewyn. I wonder where else your blocks will be photographed, they are looking good. ED looks very pleased with Frank.

  4. Loved your post, you are a REAL farmers wife! All your blocks are lovely. Gorgeous turtle too.

  5. Love your blocks and your very creative displays! And that turtle is pretty cute!

  6. He he... love your post, I wonder where your next blocks will pop up!
    That turtle is too cute, and your daughter is beautiful, happy birthday to her!

  7. No fair. You have props. I'm going to use "lack of farm props" as my excuse for having completely given up on a Farmers Wife quilt.

  8. Hi Raewyn:
    I love your blocks, and am especially fond of my "Contrary Wife" block, too! lol

    I love the clever way you thought to display them. I think the wood pile is my personal favorite. ;-)

    I'll let you know what I find out about the quilt program in a couple of days.

    Happy Quilting!

  9. In what way you display your blocks does not matter. They are very beautiful.

  10. I like Your fotoshooting, and i would LOVE a block on a cow ;-))

    happy quilting

  11. Your FW blocks are lovely and beautifully displayed!
    The pincushion is great.
    You beautiful daughters sure look alike.

  12. My vote is for the wood pile too... such a wonderful contrast and interesting texture.

  13. Oh what a fun and smiling (me) from reading your post!!! thanks!!!
    Hugs, Di and miss gracie
    PS I love those turtle pincushions--have to make one one of these days!!!!!

  14. Lovely daughters. Your colors (and of course photo backgrounds) are really wonderful.... rich, clear & clean color palette. I look forward to seeing more posts as you make them. B


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