
Monday, March 5, 2012

Rabbit Report

I finally have some more Hop To It blocks to share. I'm in a Stitchalong where we do one block a month.... Wendy and I are handsewing ours (for hours on end) so aren't quite keeping up with Joan and Joanne who are doing theirs by machine applique.
Here are my most recent ones -
Block Two - Fleur Delight

Block Four - Spring Reel

Didn't like doing the sharp corners on this block and wasn't so happy with
the  tone-on-tone blue I used.
These blues worked so much better.
Keeping with the blue theme, and the Rabbit theme, here are the first two blocks from The Adventures of Harrington and Hannah. This is a free BOM being offered by Michelle over at Raspberry Rabbits. I decided to do it as I really wanted an excuse to play with some felt, and it seemed fairly straight forward with not too much time-consuming piecing. Consequently I'm hoping I can keep up with this one!
Block One
A good excuse to use this yummy Blueberry Crumb fabric too!
Block Two
The felt pieces are fused on with Fusible Web, then running stitched on - interesting.  I couldn't always get the pieces to stay stuck on - it takes prolonged heat to get through the wool to the glue on the web.

I'm enjoying both these projects...roll on the next blocks :-)
Happy stitching every-one, hope you have a great week!


  1. Hi the colours on your stitchalong BOM - just beautiful...the red berries really make the rest of it pop. I know if you work with felt on felt lots of people staple their applique on...I guess with the cotton behind that you are using, it may leave little holes, however they wouldn't be visible once the wadding and backing was attached. Just a little FYI in case you hadn't come across that tip xoxo

  2. All your blocks look amazing! Your hand sewing is perfect - no wonder you chose to make them that way!

  3. Well done Raewyn - you have certainly been busy - and I am way way behind. Love the blocks!

  4. All your blocks are beautiful Raewyn, your appliqué looks perfect, some of the pieces look hard to do!

  5. What about pinning and then ironing from the back? The heat would activate better that way, but you'd need to be more careful about things shifting. Your hand applique looks lovely - it always tempts me when I see beautiful work like yours, but know I don't have the patience or time. Maybe one day.

  6. Your work is beautiful Raewyn. And you've got so much done. Keep up the good work.

  7. Cool projects, very cute, considering you are doing them by hand you are doing well.
    I used a pressing cloth when I did my wool felt on my cushion, it seems to work well, that advice came from the wool felt pro....AKA Megan!

  8. Suz bet me to it - I was going to suggest ironing from the back too.

    Lovely applique blocks, very neat (much tidier than anything I could do!)

  9. This is going to be a great quilt Raewyn and such lovely colours too. I love the fabrics in the Blueberry Crumb range as they are such lovely shades.

  10. What a lot of lovely blocks you made. Your rabbit blocks are so nice.

  11. Very pretty! And an unfortunate reminder that I've neglected my applique projects. Thanks for a nudge.

  12. Oh, how wonderful - the stitch-along and the bunny blocks. Would you mind directing us to the origin of the stitch-along blocks? They are so beautiful and I would love to begin an applique project. Don't agonize over the blue you don't like. It looks nice.

  13. Two wonderful projects! The Hop To It fabric is lovely and the bunny blocks are very sweet too.

  14. That applique looks so great, I know I'm still learning seeing your work. But it is beautiful.

    I didn't have to bring my loom to the weaving school last week. She has a lot of looms for students herself. Nice pretty ones from 'Louet' :-)

  15. Beautiful sewing, everything you stitch is gorgeous.

  16. Oh, all your blocks are lovely.
    I am still working on the last 2 Hop To It blocks. I hope to finish one this week.
    Michelle May the designer of the H&H blocks is coming to my quilt guild next Monday night. She will be staying with me in my home too. I can't wait to meet her.

  17. Wow, your blocks are amazing. I have yet to delve into the applique world and these definitely make it hard to resist. You do beautiful work!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Beautiful applique! I really must get going on Hannah and Harrington. I want to do Hop to It and the Little Houses too. You are so inspiring having started things that are for me still on the plan list!


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