
Saturday, March 31, 2012

End of Month Opam and FMQ

I was going to say, here I am squeezing my end of month posting in at the eleventh hour but when I looked at the clock I realised I had heaps of time left in the month to post this -7 hours in fact!
I don't feel like I've been very productive at all lately; I have been busy sewing but don't have many finishes to report.
My 'local' had a mystery project night recently. No-one had any idea what they would be making; everyone was supplied with paper bags of cut fabrics and verbal instructions!! By the end of the night and after lots of guessing, we all had one of these -

A cool doorstop. This was a fun night.
And this is my second finish; a cushion. (I took the inner out for the photo as I couldn't get a decent shot). I quite like the effect of using an enlarged block for a cushion. This is 16 inches.

I have also continued the free motion quilting challenge being run by SewCalGal. This month the guest tutor was Anne Fahl. She commented that stippling was getting a little 'overdone and boring' and encouraged us to try different fillers. So in spite of spending hours practising my stippling and because I do believe there is a time and place for everything, I set to and tried her suggestions.
Auriifil 40 weight top and bottom. Lovely to sew with.
It was great practise to alternate the direction of my loops (Great Brain Gym exercises!) and to suddenly do straight lines for the stars. I was pleasantly surprised with the end result.
It does actually look pretty good in real life - it just looks like a messy scrawl here!
I filled in a 9 inch square on my fmq-sampler-quilt. I have a block a month
to fill for this challenge.
I commented to someone that I had seen none of these caterpillars below lately but the next day I found plenty on my plants - I just had to look a bit more carefully -

I always find the Monarchs very magical. Love seeing them.
 I took the photo below to show my overseas followers a bit more of the countryside where we live. This is the MOML resowing a paddock with grass seed after we grew a turnip crop for the cows this summer. You can see the flats that were flooded recently, and also our house and sheds in the middle section; in the left towards the back you may just be able to make out the cows grazing.
Man At Work
The same paddock - looking uphill.
 So there we are, nicely caught up. I wonder what next month will bring.....
Happy sewing everyone,  


  1. I do like the doorstop Raewyn, what a fun idea. You sure have een busy even though you dont think so.

  2. You've been busy indoors and out! I love your cushion. I've been thinking of making some cushions out of blocks, too. That way I can try some blocks that I wouldn't want to make a zillion of for an entire quilt. THanks for the inspiration.

  3. I do enjoy the pictures of your countryside. So green and beautiful. :-) Your quilted stars are pretty stunning too!

  4. Your quilting is going great guns! I do agree about the stippling, but some people just love it & want it on their quilts.
    Hey funny thing I was looking at my swan plants the other day thinking no caterpillars......then like two days later there were two! Mmmmm maybe my eyesight isn't the hottest!

  5. Again you have taken me back to my childhood Raewyn.....we had that exact same swan plant that monarch butterflies grew! Love your freemotion quilting - you're very clever!!!

  6. Love the doorstop... I made one about two years ago and have been meaning to make more.Gorgeous cushion.
    What wonderful photos of the caterpillar....
    So nice to see were bloggy friends live,thanks for sharing

  7. Wish I lived closer so I could join your 'local'! Love your doorstop and the cushion. Thanks for the lovely photos of your 'place'too. The setting is idyllic. If you need any help with your garden... count me in ;o)

  8. Ooop's... I forgot to say how impressed I am with your FMQ'ing. Great idea to make up a quilt top that you can practise different stitches on... I'm going to try that. Love your stars and loops... gonna try that too ;o)

  9. Your surroundings are beautiful. I like the doorstop. Beautiful machinequilting you did.

  10. I too am impressed with your looks great!
    That doorstop is sew neat and the cushion looks pretty good too.
    Your farm is beautiful...thanks for the pics

  11. Love the stars on the FMQ.
    You have beautiful land enjoyed having a peek.

    Love Leanne

  12. love the pincusgion......pretty area you live in........

  13. fun doorstop!
    great FMQ too.
    Oh, the caterpillar is so neat. I hope to get some this year too so I can watch the butterflies emerge.

  14. I LOVE the doorstop
    I took photos of monarchs today too
    They will be in my Instagrammin Sunday post next week

  15. Your door stop and cushion are gorgeous, the door stop is a great idea. Lovely photos of your farm. We grew swan plants last summer and the monarch caterpillars demolished them!!

  16. I love your doorstop! How fun! And very nice FMQ. The stars are great. :o) That sure is a fat caterpillar, he must be feasting a lot on your garden! Your pics of your property are amazing! Such a gorgeous place to live. Hope you had a great weekend, Raewyn.

  17. I see you are keeping busy Raewyn, what a beautiful part of the world you live in too.


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