
Saturday, January 7, 2012

New beginnings

We are well and truly into 2012 now, with Christmas puddings and chocolate Santas well behind us. After my flurry of Christmas gift sewing I've been having a peaceful time in my sewing cave.... a wet summer here in Northland is making this particularly enjoyable.
First up I needed to finish my last Christmas gift -- and now that I have gifted it, I can share it with you ---
This is a Cori Blunt, Chitter Chatter Designs pattern. As soon as she released it, I ordered it, knowing it was the perfect gift for Leeanne, who I am pleased loves it. :-)
My version looks a little different to the original; I altered it to suit
 the fabrics used.

Moving along -- I've made a  couple of new commitments this year - nothing too big, just things to add a bit of spice to my life and because they sounded like fun.
I joined in the 12 days of Christmas Mystery run by Lesley over at Temecula Quilt Shop--- what fun!! A new block every day, for 12 days!! The first day was one 3 1/2 inch square - well I thought, if they are all like this I'm sure I can cope and keep up! After a few days it was obvious that the number of block pieces matched the number day it was.... and I did wonder what sized pieces we would be cutting and sewing on day 12!
But here it is, I survived and kept up.
Awaiting Day 12....
Today we received instructions for the borders and here is mine ready to quilt - wow I may even have my first quilt finish for 2012 before too long! An incredible number of people have taken part in this mystery, and I must say it was a fun way to get back into my sewing after Christmas.

Just remembered to take a photo before I
 filled it up with basting pins.
I've also committed myself to the Scrappy Houses project... you've probably noticed these houses popping up all over blogland... it is also proving very popular. This has been started by Jeanneke, who seems to have got hooked on them herself. Her blocks are 3 inch and she is handpiecing one a day. Luckily it's a no pressure, break the rules project and I have decided to foundation piece slightly larger houses, (finishing at 4 1/4 inches) and hoping to make two a week. Keeping them relatively small means I  have a better choice of scraps. Hopefully I will get through a few doing these.
Just had a thought - should have put the starting date in the window
of my first one, maybe the third will have it!
[Yes one looks a little larger but they just need an accurate trim :-)]
So that's my New Year off to a whizz and a bang--- I'm sure there is much more excitement to come, happy stitching everyone, and thanks for popping by,

PS Multi- tasking is not always a good thing. I burnt the veges while writing this post. Luckily I was able to disguise them by tossing them in with the chicken!


  1. We have one more, or should I say half a box of mixed biscuits left and that's all the Xmas loot gone. What a good idea to have a little quilt along like that... great way to start the year!

  2. I love your houses. I am making them too. Your quilt looks very pretty.

  3. Gosh you have had a busy start to 2012.
    Love your scrappy houses!
    Love Leanne

  4. I just adore the dresden pillow! Such a lovely gift! I also love the colors in your 12 days! I hope to get mine quilted in the next few day! The houses are adorable -- looks like I may have to jump in on this one, too!

  5. Woa....and she's off! No stopping you. There are some great things again in blog land to join in on. I'm trying to be good and stay clear!
    Yikes burnt the dinner, that sounds like something I would do!
    BTW....I do love my cushion :-)

  6. I saw the cushion on Leeannes blog it looks perfect on her bed!
    I am still on the fence about the cute little houses... there are sew many quilt a longs and swaps etc out there it's hard to choose!
    Oops about the tea...

  7. I love the pattern you used for your cushion. Good job on the 12 DOC. I've finished the blocks, and will probably get them put together tomorrow. I love seeing all the little houses, but decided not to do them myself. Too many other things that I'd like to get done. Keep on stitching!

  8. Love your houses. I'm hoping to make up a few tomorrow so I don't fall behind! :-)

  9. Love all our projects Reawyn. Cushion looks great.
    Nice Scrappy Houses. Putting in the date is a great idea. I have also joined but my are 6".

  10. Hi Raewyn,

    That cushion is so sweet!
    And the building houses project, I joined in too but as there are hardly any rules ...... :-)
    Have a nice week.

  11. Good way to start the new year.
    Very sweet pillow.
    Oh, those little houses are cute.
    I have been watching others make the 12 days blocks. You kept up. That is a good thing,

  12. Hi Raewyn, Your wee houses are gorgeous!

  13. Your gift to Leeanne is beautiful. The little mini sampler is sweet, what a neat idea. Love your little houses too...... so many things happening in your sewing room already!

  14. The cushion you made is beautiful and I love your little quilt and the houses. Cute cup of tea in the window!!

  15. This house is look really great and awesome.I really impress by this blog.


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