
Monday, December 5, 2011

Tuesday Treasures

This week I am linking up to Melody, of The House on the Hill, for Tuesday Treasures.
Inspired by BOTH my daughters doing hand-craft things this week, I have pulled these treasures down off the wall.
 These special little ornaments were made for me by my girls one wet and wintry school holidays years ago. ED was 12 and YD was nearly 9.
They made them completely unaided as my sewing room at that house was separated from the rest of the house, and I wasn't allowed to see what they were up to.
The above 2 dolls were made following pattens but the one below used a Thelwell cartoon as inspiration. The writing on the sign has long since faded but it says something to the effect that "if you are close enough to read this, you are likely to get kicked!"

Angel on Horseback.
And they even labelled them - of which I am grateful as I couldn't remember when they were made - there's a lesson there somewhere!
Thank you Melody for allowing me to link up for Tuesday Treasures. To see more treasures visit Melody here.
Thank you all for visiting - have a great week and I hope you're having Stress free Christmas Creativeness:-)


  1. Precious ornaments are the best :O)

  2. Now these are real treasures. I love the little sign they made - how funny.

  3. What wonderful treasures. These are the little things that warm your heart, bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye as you grow older. Just lovely.

  4. oh my gosh - they are treasures for sure!

  5. You can't get better treasure than those. Smart & creative kids too. Tracee xx

  6. Just gorgeous treasures and sure make Christmas just that more special.

  7. What lovely treasures, Raewyn. It's lovely to see what our children can create on their own and with their own unique imagination :)

  8. Very cute.. and very special too.

  9. Sew cute! They were planing a head with labels!

  10. They sure are things to treasure! I love the last one, funny and so creative. The apple....

  11. Gosh - talented wee girls they were back then!

  12. How precious , your girls are talented just like their Mom , I love what they have made for you and the fact they even put the date .Great job!

  13. Those are so awesome Raewyn and just so very precious.. well done ladies - you have done a great job...

  14. Fabulous treasures Raewyn. Bet they'd get a giggle to see them now!

  15. Gorgeous little treasures Raewyn, perfect that they labeled them!! Have a great weekend.

  16. It's wonderful to see all the nice things you create and sew. If you are interested to work with more scaps have a look on my blog. There is a button in the sidebar "Building Houses" by scraps. - In January 2011 you can see a post with the Norwegian Hearts.
    Have a nice day

  17. Aww, I used to love what my kids would make for me, most of which is now packed away as I'm still preparing to move. These are so precious!


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