
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dates with Mr Postman

It seems my mailbox has been overflowing with happiness lately as I have received several little winnings and gifts in the post.
Lovely country red--thank you Leanne :-)
Firstly I won a fat quarter through the lovely Leanne's blog, Cottage Tails. I got to choose the colour so went for country red - I've no photo to show of it as it's already been cut up for projects!
(Cant show you any more of this just yet).

Erin Russek's blog, One Piece at a Time, had a give-away where we had to name our favourite pie - mine is Apple Pie with berries thrown in (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries - whatever is available!)  - I won! So this gorgeous pattern arrived at my house - isn't it lovely - and definitely one I can see myself making.
Thank you Erin :-)
This week, I also received my Pay It Forward gift from the lovely Cat at Catalina's Cottage.
Isn't the Pincushion sweet? 
Gorgeous little French knots and stitching.
And look -  3 stars for The Tree - very cute.
Oops no Christmas Tree available yet, had to make do with
a garden shrub!
Thank you Cat!

Now that I have received my Pay It Forward gift, I need to carry on the friendship chain. I need 3 victims - if you would like to join in and have me make you a gift just leave a comment... I'll go with the first 3 people who want to take part.

And it hasn't all been Inwards Mail at my house; this week I finished and sent away this gift for my nephew.
 My sister and her family are moving to Belgium for a while so I figured my 7 year old nephew needed to take a little of New Zealand with him.
The back pocket - lots of Kiwiana.
Family and friends will know that Kiwifruit HAD to be included.

 The bag was from a really helpful and clear tutorial I found here. I used bag batting instead of stiff interfacing to line it, but otherwise made very few changes. (And for those zip-phobes out there - it was really easy!!).

And so my date with the postie is finished; don't forget to leave a comment if you want to play the Pay It Forward game,
happy stitching everyone,


  1. A lot of nice finishes, the bag is really nice. That Miss Amy pattern looks great too, you lucky thing for winning it.

  2. Lots of lovely goodies... and the bag looks fabulous!

  3. Wow I hadn't seen Marco's bag finished, just in stages, it looks great, love the kiwi fruit bit.
    Nice pin cushion....tempting to join in........Mmmmmm wonder what the red and green thingie is???? Is it for something tomorrow?a certain Xmas party?

  4. Have got the tutorial saved into my favourites for when I feel brave enough to try it. I'm sort of famous for starting and never finishing bag patterns... they just freak me out!! But your one just looks so nice :)

  5. Lots of lovely goodies! And, an excellent bag for Marco.

  6. That pincushion is too cute! I love it! Great job on the bag, I'm sure your nephew will love it.

  7. Gorgeous gifts and the bag is great too, perfect for you nephew I'm sure. I would love to participate in the Pay it Forward game, but you may need to tell me the rules!!

  8. Lots of gorgeous sewing on display here.

  9. LOVE the bag you made for your nephew!
    Did you follow a pattern?
    Also where in Belgium? We are heading there in May for 10 days

  10. Wow. Almost like Christmas! :-)

    I'll be one of your victims. What do I need to do?


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