
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weekend sewing.

I know it's actually half way through the week (already) but I haven't had a chance yet to share what I completed over the weekend.
A group of us got together on Friday night and had a lovely midnight madness sewing session.
First on my list was to make a book cover---

I added the recipe label later on
{YD has put an order in for one of these now-- I have some cup cake fabric somewhere which will be just perfect.}

Next on my list was to complete the first two rounds on my Stay-At-Home-Round-Robin. Sunny over at Quilting Dreams is hosting this and I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to make a quilt for YD... she could help in the planning and picking her OWN colours and I, of course would do the sewing.
Month 1 instructions were for a centre block 12 to 18 " in size.
Month 2 asked us to have a 3 inch border with triangles.
Here is YD arranging the border to get it how SHE wants it!
Complete to the end of month two. She loves the idea of fancy butterfly quilting
 on the white to enhance the centre -- little does she realise Mum has to practise
 a fair bit before that will be achieved!!
My girl  loves her butterflies:-) and a brighter palette than me :-)!!
Our midnight madness ended about then; I know I'm not the only one who did this but I packed three times as many projects to do than I needed and  took most of them home again untouched!
Never mind - it game me plenty to carry on with over the rest of the weekend!
I finished this little stitchery for a friend - it is very cute and fun to do (not a good photo sorry).
A Libby Richardson design from a Homespun mag, enlarged slightly.
And on Sunday I was determined to make one of these (below) --- a gorgeous little Thread Catcher. I have been following the Moda Country Fair Blog Hop and enjoyed reading the posts of the different designers (and checking out the pattern each one offered) ... and wow... the food at their Country Fairs sounds Intriguing!! A far cry from the hotdogs on a stick and candy floss that I grew up on at our equivalent here in New Zealand (the A and P (Agricultural and Pastoral) shows). Anyway Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings offered this pattern which went to the top of my must-do list. It turned out so cool, I made a second, identical, one for a friend.
Unfortunately it was a one day item on her blog so the pattern is no long available.
Perfect for thread scraps when sitting stitching at night.
And - oh dear-Katie Cat had a bit of a rummage in my scrap basket the other day, looking for a comfy place to sleep. She has spurred me on to sorting them out - I know I am supposed to sort and trim them as I go but it doesn't always happen. However, here is the result of her prompting - my first scrappy spool block which will be part of the next border of my Klosjes quilt (untouched for a while now, but definitely still a WIP!)
And one last photo - we had our annual pilgrimage out to the very back of the farm this morning to see the Kowhai Trees in flower - a beautiful sight, as always. The flowers are gorgeous and the trees stunning.

Now I feel caught up - and I can get on with my week; it is Wednesday today so I'd best go make another hexie-flower,
happy stitching every-one,


  1. All beautiful projects! i need to make one of those thread catchers. I have a little pile of threads on the arm of my chair each night.

  2. All of your projects are wonderful! I especially like the thread catcher!

  3. I like your thread catcher, but couldn't find any place to link to the instructions. I just see the link to the cookies and block. Lisa spoke at our guild tonight, and I'm taking a workshop with her tomorrow. She was just great. Thanks for sharing your projects. Kathie L in Allentown

  4. Whew! I'm exhausted just reading about it all. Lovely!

  5. I love your book cover and thread catcher! The kitty is pretty cute too LOL!

  6. I have been reading your blog for a while and love your photos and work! I saw that thread catcher in the Moda blog hop too and yours looks gorgeous. Your hexie flowers in the previous post are so beautiful! Wendy

  7. Cute thread catcher, this must have been the one Kerryn was raving about today. We did have a fun Friday!


    For the thread catcher pattern. Just had to go looking! I loved yours so much....

  9. WOW sounds like such fun to stitch with friends and you got sew much done. Just love all your projects.

  10. Kowhai flowers are one of my absolute favorites. And you look like you've been very productive, well done!

  11. Your book cover is lovely!
    Kind regards,

    Beertje Zonn

  12. Busy times! I love the butterfly project for your daughter, how neat to work on something together(even if you're doing all the sewing. lol)

  13. I love the things you made. The threadcatcher is gorgeous, my threads are on the arm of my chair each day, too! The cat is lovely, too, I guess you can't get angry with her.
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  14. Wow, your YD is going to have a lovely quilt there. You certainly have been busy with projects - all looking great too.

  15. Lots of great projects. I want to make one of those thread catchers too. So cute.
    And that butterfly quilt is going to be fabulous.
    Does that yellow flower have a scent? I sure is pretty.

  16. Wow! All the projects are wonderful. I think I need one of those book covers and one of those thread catchers - maybe I could figure it out. And I also need to get my triangles done on my center. I love your center - your girl does a good job of picking colors and you do a good job of designing!

  17. Lovely projects - Dont the scraps mount up :)


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