
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spring blossoms?

After I had finished my  flowers for One Flower Wednesday today, I went hunting for some spring blossoms to photograph with them... we have had some lovely warm days lately and the Magnolia tree is blooming (and smelling divine) but none of the fruit trees are putting on a show yet.
Oops - nosey sheep!!

I found one lonely blossom and one out of season plum!
What's happened to our beautiful Northland Blue Sky?? - a bit of a grey day today.
I've discovered lately how wonderful the Go! Baby is for cutting hexagon shapes (my quilting 'local' has one for hire)- I had a ball cutting more hexagons for my filler blocks, but wish I had come across this a year ago!! How lucky we are these days with wonderful things like Go! Babies and Glue pens :-)
 And this is what happens when you do some REAL gardening for a change - you find out where the old brown hen is laying her eggs!
 If you want to be inspired by more beautiful hexi-flowers, go to 'Journey of a Quilter' and click on the link on it---he he, Karen has some worms in her garden today.
Have a great week everyone, happy stitching, and thank you for visiting,


  1. Your spring blooms are lovely. I love magnolia's. There is a port wine magnolia flowering down the street & the smell is heavenly. Happy Stitching,

  2. Beautiful spring blossoms, such a lovely time of the year. And, that Go! Baby is such a fabulous idea.

  3. Your flowers are beautiful ! A Go! Baby for hire ?? What a great idea !
    happy quilting

  4. I love this weeks flowers - just such beautiful fabrics.

  5. Mmm, spring! We are going to the autumn without having a real summer! Nice hexies, and a nice sheep. A Go Baby, I haven't seen them here, yet, but it looks wonderful. And what a good idea, that you can hire one.
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  6. Lovely Flowers to add to your garden Raewyn.
    Lucky the sheep did not eat it LOL.
    Oh how I would love one of those Go Baby's. What a great idea to be able to hire one.

  7. Nice flowers you made for this week. Have a nice day.

    Gr Annemieke.

  8. Two more beautiful flowers! The grey sky looks nice and cool as I sit here waiting for summer to end. I love using the GO! Baby for cutting my hexies - especially the stepping stone.

  9. Lovely flowers on a spring day !Lucky you to have the opportunity to rent the go cutter i can see where it would be very valuable for cutting those hexies. Your hen has been extra busy ;-)

  10. Beautiful flowers.Lucky of you to have a Go Baby to cut your hexies I have to cut mine by hand.

  11. Pretty flowers, we are heading into Autumn here. I used to find eggs in unusual places too when I had chicken.

  12. Your hexies are lovely. They do look like spring is comming.
    Isn't that Go Baby great! I have only seen it in acrion at a quilt fair but I love it already.

    Have a nice day.

  13. I love your flowers, and where you photographed them. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your encouraging words. Hope you don't mind having a new follower. I am enjoying meeting people around the world. :) Come back by anytime.

  14. Wundervolle Blümchen!
    Bei euch wird es Frühling und bei uns Herbst, ist schon verrückt irgendwie.

    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!

  15. Loved your post! So will you have baby chicks?
    Love Leanne

  16. Maybe your hexes want wool batting and they were trying to get nosey sheep to tell you?

  17. Shame on you for not gardening sooner. Look how many lovely eggy breakfasts you missed out on!
    Thought for a moment that sheep was actually eating your bloom... phew! Could have been a close call.
    It might be spring but it still looks cold over there. Hope you haven't cast off your thermal underwear just yet!

  18. Great flowers.
    I thought that was a sheep dog at first but it is a real sheep.
    That is a lot of eggs she has been keeping from you. lol


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