
Monday, July 25, 2011

Hopping To It and a Pincushion or Two

Last post I was part way through my first block of Hop To It Quilt (by Edyta Sitar) and now, yaah, I've finished it :-)
It is needleturned and I really enjoyed working on it. I love the way the vase morphs into flower buds!

I've been sidetracked this week after finding this cute little pattern (below) on the Laundry Basket Quilts website (also by Edyta Sitar - do you see a common theme here; I LOVE her work!!)
I've also completed a block for a friend... I can't show you much but want to show off how I did the eye.... I discovered this stitch at a recent sewing machine class ----
One clever stitch - only takes about 30 seconds and voila! We have an eye.

Isn't it great!!

She just tosses the pins aside..doesn't even do anything helpful with them!

And finally - Now I've shown a photo of this cat before, pulling pins out of my work... I got a really good photo the other day.... note to self, put all pincushions out of reach!

I hope your week has started off well - to all my kiwi (New Zealand) friends, hope you are keeping warm and that any snow you may be getting gives you more joy than grief.
Happy stitching,


  1. Your needleturn is fantastic Raewyn. What a hard case cat. Guess you're always watching where you stand with that cat around, never know what you might step upon!
    Hope you're staying warm in the Winterless North too.

  2. Your basket block is beautiful!!! The little pin cushion is just adorable.
    Oh my goodness! I've never seen a cat pull pins out like that. How funny. Sure would make for dangerous walking after she was finished.

  3. Your needleturn is beautiful! I'm going to try it soon. I just need some tips and pointers, beacause the couple of times I've attempted it, it was not a pretty sight.

  4. I love your applique, it's very neat! And what a beautiful eye, it's worth trying to make one myself. Thank you for the pincussion-link, I think your pincussion is even nicer than theirs! great photo of your family, also an your cat is so cute, mine liked them also, when I was making bobbin lace. But watch out indeed!
    Happy stitching, Cisca

  5. Your applique' is beautiful. Edyta lives in Michigan just north of where I live so I have seen her lecture in person several times and have been able to see her quilts in person. I love how she mixed reproduction fabrics along with batiks in the same quilt, and it is just wonderful. Are you making the whole quilt or just a few blocks? I love her books and patterns, too.

  6. Lovely stitching Raewyn and I just love that pincushion. Be careful in the snow.

  7. Such a lovely post!!! Beautiful applique and fabulous bird's eye. Fabulous bird! The pincushion is very sweet and what a bad little kitty! My sisters cat did the same thing, took the pin and ran. My sister ran after him and he dropped the pin into the cat food bowl.

  8. What a beautiful block.Hey I downloaded that pin cushion pattern too....but you are miles ahead of actually made one!
    Mmmmm that pic of your cat is the reason I have to keep my pincushion up....our 2 kittens!!!!!!
    So much for the winterless north! 6 degrees yesterday.

  9. The quilt block is lovely
    What a cute pincushion - I can't believe the cat removes your pins - too funny

  10. Hi Raewyn,

    In the summer we have a 'summer collum' at our national News program. Yesterday it was from a correspondent in Australia who talked about the Midwinter Christmas ... thing and where it originated from. (some tourists from Ireland he told us)
    Isn't that a coincidence?

  11. Your block is stunning Raewyn!
    Love your little pin cushion.
    Too bad you can't teach your kitty to pin your block so that you sew them together. Think how much time you could save if you two worked together. lol Too funny.

  12. Hi
    Lovely Applique. Great picture of your cat, mine does this also if he is not getting my attention 24/7.

  13. LOVE your spool pincushion and what a funny cat you have! I've never seen anything like it! Clever girl (o:

  14. what a beautiful block!, and what an amusing cat,

  15. I'm back again to look at your stunning block!

  16. Love that quilt block. Your applique is perfect! I've got that very book... guess what I'm thinking now ;o) I'm a big fan of Laundry Basket Quilts too. Great little pin cushion. Great little cat too. What a minx pulling out pins like that. Maybe she's a re-incarnated stitcher! Spooky thought!


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