
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Me!

I was thinking today about the giving of quilts and handmade goodies and the love and time commitment that goes behind the gift. So it is with making a meal for someone.
Last night, for my birthday, I had a beautiful dinner cooked for me by my thoughtful YD and her other half. Aside from the buying of ingredients and the time spent in my kitchen {no Raewyns allowed :-)} was the giving up of their day to make this special meal for me.
It was yummy and it was fun!
Oh so good!! Course 2 of about 4!!
Caramelising the top of the Crème Brulee! 
Candles to blow out
Thank you guys - I'm still rolling around feeling full. A lovely dinner and a great evening.
(It was nice to sit and stitch whilst listening to all the kitchen noises!)


  1. Happy Birthday so Glad to hear you had a Nice Day...

  2. What a special day - to be treated like a queen. Hope the rest of your day was fun, too.

  3. Happy Birthday, Raewyn :-) Lovely idea to make dinner for you !

  4. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a great meal!

  5. Yummo - looks like a lovely Kiwi dinner with some classy presentation :) You're right - giving of ones precious time is the most cherished gift of all. Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! My gosh that flame thrower looks nasty!! Hate to rub him up the wrong way! LOL

  7. Congratulations dear Raweyn, looks like a really nice birthday ☺

  8. Glad you had a lovely day. I am off for lunch with daughter no 2 for mine today along with some patchwork shopping - result.xx

  9. Happy Birthday, dear Raewyn. So glad you hada great day.

  10. Happy Birthday! Mmmmm, creme brulee! And cake! And stressless stitching time! Spoilt rotten, I say ;)

  11. Creative bunch...glad you had a great day, see you tomorrow!

  12. A very Happy Birthday to you Raewyn! Loved the stitchery in your previous post - and such beautiful quilting (the next machine I buy will definitely have that pretend hand quilting stitch!)

  13. O, Raewyn, what a lovely gesture of your daughter! The meal looks really nice! But most of all it is sweet. Happy Birthday also, you are looking good on the photo!
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, I like making the Mystery, but the blocks are very big, I'm not used to it.
    Love, Cisca

  14. Happy Birthday! What a lovely thing to do and it looks yummy!

  15. Belated birthday wishes Raewyn! Hope you had a great day, how sweet to have such a lovely dinner cooked for you too!

  16. Happy Birthday. Hope you got some fabric as a gift if not go and buy yourself some! Are you having fun with EQ7 Yet?

  17. How very nice. Happy Belated Birthday.

  18. Awww you are a July Baby. Well Happy Birthday (late). Crème Brulee is one of my favorites! Lucky you.

  19. Happy Birthday! Your dinner looks delightful. It's making me hungry! :-)


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