
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Late for Wednesday!!

Well here in New Zealand time I am late for One Flower Wednesday but if I am quick I might be eligible for other parts of the world!!
Just one flower to show that I made yesterday (Wednesday!) you can see, along with other things, a bit of book reading got in the way. I was stitching and reading at the same time which means slow progress on both fronts!
 (My latest book is a Jodi Piccoult one which I am thoroughly enjoying.)
The blue in this flower makes my quilt into a (slightly) recycled one, as the fabric is cut from an old skirt of Mum's.
However I have been doing a bit of joining, I bought these ones away with me to my parents to join and this is how far I've got... A few more whites and then they will be ready to insert in the larger block of joined ones back up home.
I had a trip down memory lane when I arrived at Mum and Dad's the other night--- this is possibly my first ever bit of embroidery that I did. I decorated two pillowcases as a gift for my parents YEARS ago (I think I was still at school then?). They've obviously been kept as special ones as the stitching has stayed intact!
Dad remembers mowing around this tree (Liquid Amber) as a schoolboy.... today he instructed the arborist how much to cut out....which made some good 'daring arborist' photos!!

I hope everyone's week is going well; happy stitching everyone, and thank you for visiting :-)


  1. Your Hexi's are looking wonderful ;)

  2. Yep it would have been Wednesday somewhere. LOL

    What a special Hexie and they are coming together nicely.

    That's wonderful your Mum still has those pillowcases.Lovely memories.

    OH Pleased I am not up there cutting the huge tree.

  3. My Mum still has this most awful ashtray I made her when I was at school! At least your handy work is nice.
    busy day at the shop today, I hung you lovely scrap quilt for display.

  4. So nice to have pieces in a quilt from used fabrics. Especially from your mother.
    Can you read and stitch at the same time? I have to try that too but I wonder...... na.
    Have a nice time.

  5. Lovely hexie flowers. How cute is your little early stitching? I'll answer that question. Very very cute.

  6. Wonderful blue flower! My sister is a Jodi Piccoult fan. Fabulous photo of the arborist and sweet first embroidery.

  7. I love your hexagons joined together. What a great "daring arborist" photo. Ahhh to be that young again!

  8. Oh my... You DO stay busy!!!~ I'm glad you read the book about the Civil War, Elm Creek Quilters. I love them also. I'll have to look for the other one you read. I love all of your many new projects!~I've not done a thing~~!!! except MOVE...and unpack....and plant plants... :) However, we are very happy with our new life. I do miss sewing though.
    Your part of the world is so beautiful and you take the most amazing photos...
    I've enjoyed catching up. XO

  9. What wonderful memories your garden will have by using your mom's clothing for your flowers!

  10. Your flower is beautiful! How nice that it has memories to go with it :)

  11. Love your hexies... great photographs too.
    I'm off to get a cup of tea then settle down for a good read.... of your blog!

  12. You obviously are a talented person, I love the Indian mother and child - you parents surely are treasuring this gift.
    What a marvellous idea to use a skirt of your mother in your flowerquilt - it will make it special for ever!

  13. Hi Raewyn, I am loving your hexs, I am yet to attempt my first hex quilt, it will happen one day, I'm saving fabric. Lovely to meet you!
    Carole :)

  14. Oh, that is such a cute little embroidery your parents kept.
    Oh, boy! that guy in the tree does look very scary.


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