
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The end of week already - well nearly!!

Here it is Thursday night and I realise I haven't shared for a week--- I have a busy weekend coming up (more on that later) so I thought I would do a quick post before I get too distracted.
I've read both these books lately :-) I've read all of the Elm Creek Quilter books by Jennifer Chiaverini and have enjoyed them all. The latest, set during the American Civil War was a good read and a chance for me to learn and understand a bit more about this momentous event. Another thoroughly good read (which I read until 2am one morning!!) was the book on the right 'a single thread' by Marie Bostwick. I would love to know if she has written any other quilting novels?? I think she has a follow-up to this one in the pipeline.
Below is a project on the go...had a fun evening of chain piecing; of course my short attention span meant I had to get up and 'arrange' my chain to see how far down the hallway it could go. As you can see, Miss Timmie got in the way. This is the starting of a scrap quilt, a sample quilt for my favourite local.
Timmie can sniff out a quilt in progress at 100 yards!
And another sample for my local, a spot of stitching below. This was done with Cottage Garden Threads, which I found really lovely to use. I just love the colour variations along the length - quite beautiful.
 The fish below is some stitching for myself.. another block in the Life Is Beautiful quilt. This variegated thread is Aurifil, also lovely to use.
 And NOW for my big excitement! At Midnight Madness a few weeks ago I cut out the quilt below, in preparation for RETREAT which starts TOMORROW!!!!!!
Triangle Surprise by Edyta Sitar. Hope my version turns out as lovely as hers!!
 A weekend of friendship and sewing!! I am so looking forward to it.
Only sewing things packed so far, hope I remember things
like towels and toothpaste :-)
See you after retreat - have a fun weekend every-one, I'm sure I will!


  1. Lots of fabulous things to see here. Made me really smile to see the chain piecing laid out, because it's just the sort of thing I would do - I have a very short attention span. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  2. Have a great weekend away Raewyn....look forward to piccy's of what you achieve whilst 'retreating'.

  3. Marie Bostwick has three more books out to continue the story. I just finished the Union Quilters and loved it.
    Miss Timmie looks like she is having a blast :)
    Your stitching is beautiful - love the variegated threads!
    Have fun at retreat!!

  4. Marie Bostwick is one of my favorite authors, right along with Emilee Richards. I did not know there was a new Elm Creek series book out, going to have to download that one to my reader. Love all the quilt projects you show - especially the embroidery.

  5. Have a great weekend! I can't wait to see how far you get making that quilt this weekend.

  6. Have a fab weekend!
    Off to see if the library has those books. Thanks.

    Love Leanne

  7. Have a great weekend, Raewyn! I'm going to see where to purchae the Mary Bostwick novel. Love the cat and the triangles.
    Greetings, Cisca

  8. Have a great weekend and a successfull retreat :-)

  9. Have a great time. Wish I was coming with you.

  10. You've got some great projects on the go there. Have a wonderful weekend, stitch your heart out!

  11. Didn't we have the coolest time!! Some great laughs and a few tears!....happy tears...and a spot of PJ sewing!

  12. Your cat is really someone!
    I love the Thread series, by Marie Bostwick. I'm reading her latest, but am not quite sure what to think about it.
    Have a lovely weekend!


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