
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy mail from The Netherlands

Absolutely beautiful - and almost too good to use!!!
A little while ago I won a 5th blogging birthday giveaway on Marion's blog. I enjoy reading her blog because as well as patchworking, she does a variety of other crafts.
And here is what I won, a beautiful kitchen towel, handwoven by herself.
 It is 70% linen and 30% cotton and the weaving is lovely and even, and it feels so nice and soft, and very hard wearing.
 I know I will admire it for a while before I feel brave enough to use it :-) Thank you Marion.

Lately I have been doing a lot of handwork and today I've had a real urge to use my machine and just sew-sew-sew. I felt like doing some strip piecing but resisted the urge (as that would probably mean starting a new project!!) and instead settled on getting the final borders onto the quilt I am making the MOML for Christmas, his birthday, whenever (!!). 250 inches of zooming along the borders help to settle my urges, and here it is, ready to be sandwiched and quilted. (Yaay!)
And because quilt blogs are enhanced by small animals, here are a couple of pictures of the critters who help me sew.
Oscar-riley was very cross that I had draped the quilt top on his chair
when I photographed it. He was quick to take up this position -
reclaiming the area as his own.
Not a very clear picture but this is what Miss Timmie does when I have
a quilt (or similar) within her reach....she sits there and pulls the pins out!!
Have a good week everyone, and thank you for visiting,


  1. Well I just oohed & arrhed over that quilt - I love scrap quilts!

    Hope the new iron got a work out.

    Love Leanne

  2. Great looking quilt! And very cute critters!

  3. Oh goodness that hand woven tea towel is just precious beyond words

  4. Cheeky cat!! And what a special towel - handwoven, wow!

  5. I am sure your husband is going to love his new quilt and even more so when he knows the critters helped out too. One day the pins from my pincushion were on the floor and I was baffled as to how they had got there until I saw the budgie pull them out one by one and drop them over the edge of the chair.

  6. Wow, that is one special tea towel.
    I love the way the quilt blocks are set, and the colours, perfect for a man.
    Cute animal antics!

  7. now that is one lovely quilt; be proud of it he will love it too

  8. Beautiful quilt! Guess you can't have many WIP that include pins just sitting around with Miss Timmie around. Oscar-Riley is adorable :)

  9. Nice handwoven teatowel you got from Marion!
    Your quilt looks fantastic and the pets, too!
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  10. Your quilt is looking amazing, is it a surprise? The towel is incredible, what a talent weaving is. Your helpers are great, even when they're not actually helping. lol

  11. What a naughty cat! My Oscar always runs inside when I put a quilt on the floor, I look at him a warn him not to sit on it and he knows what I'm saying as he waits till my back is turned before he does! The quilt is lovely I like the setting, I have never seen that one before.

  12. Hi Raewyn,

    Glad you like the towel.
    Your quilt is looking lovely and the cat pulling the pins out made me laugh. It is good to laugh this early in the morning :-)

  13. Beautiful towel Marion sent you. I have a few myself and they are and stay just great!
    I also love your quilt with the beautiful colors - your hubby will be so happy.

  14. Congratulations on the great win!
    Your quilt looks beautiful.♥

  15. Oh what a beautiful towel! And eggs! Im so happy for you....
    I love your quilt! Ive been doing a lot of handwork also, and have felt the same urge to sit n just mindlessly sew, sew , sew on the machine. The fabrics are beautiful! Great quilt, nice job. What cute puppy, so sweet. Xo

  16. Lovely giveaway gift!

    Love your string quilt and your critters are just too adorable.


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