
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Birthday - Help me celebrate!

One year ago, my blog  came to life — 12 months of blogging!! 12 months of fun and friendship, caring and sharing around the world!!
Thank you everyone for helping to make this an exciting new area of my life, by visiting, commenting, emailing, and sharing through your own blogs. So many ideas out there, so much inspiration, so many friendly, passionate people!!! (So many links to blog-hop to!!)
Now, to the relevance of the 'cow' photo!!! Since the flooding over the weekend, I have been spending a bit of time in the cowshed, while the MOML repairs fences, waterlines, races and and so on. And cowshed time is good thinking time -  'the girls' have helped me decide how to celebrate my blogging birthday!!!
NO gimmicks!!! For every comment I have in response to this post, I will donate $1 towards brain tumour (cancer) research.
Those of you who regularly follow my blog will know that my father is suffering from brain tumours; please help me to donate towards this area to help give families more hope in the future.
As I said there are no gimmicks, I don't care if you are a follower or not, and you are welcome to spread the word (gulp - within reason!!) - and one comment each please!
Thanking you in advance :-) bloggy hugs to you all.
(and I hope you are getting more chances to sew than I am!!).


  1. Happy Blogaversary!!!! That is a great way to celebrate...

  2. Oh my; I am so happy to be the first one to comment; what a wonderful idea!!! I hope you do fabulous with it....and I agree with you; this blogging is so much fun; sharing with people all over the world..I enjoy it immensely myself..thank you

  3. Happy Bloggaversary. Had to get my dollars worth in for a very good cause.

  4. Congratulations on your one year bloggaversary! What an excellent way to celebrate!!

  5. Happy Bloggaversary Raewyn and here is for another dollar going to a wonderful cause xxx Love to you and yours xxx

  6. Happy Blog Birthday. Wishing you and yours all the very best.

  7. Congratulations Raewyn. I love visiting your blog.
    I will keep you father in my prayers.

  8. Sorry to hear about your dad, Raewyn. (((hugs)))

  9. What a lovely idea
    Have you seen on my blog the poem my Grandson ,then 11years old , wrote about cancer
    Happy Blogaversary and I have enjoyed your Blog although Iam a fairly new reader

  10. Hi Raewyn, Happy Blogging Anniversary. It has been great getting to know you this last year and here is to it continuing for many years to come. Hope Wilma has now left and not caused too much trouble and the water is subsiding. Wishing your dad well.
    Love Shirley.x

  11. Congrats Raewyn on your blogiversary! It's my wedding anniversary today so you picked a great day to start a blog. lol
    Do you have a link or something so that I could make a donation to celebrate with you? Let me know.

  12. Congratulations on your blog birthday! All the best wishes for your dad. :-)

  13. Happy Blogbversary! I'm with Farm Girl - do you have a link where we can go to make a donation and celebrate with you?

  14. Happy blogaversary! however you spell that! it was nice to see photos of your Dad a few posts ago looking so well. Hope the farm has dried out a bit too, hopefully I'll see you in person soon, I'm planning on checking out the Country Yards extensions soon. :-)

  15. Happy blogaversary Raewyn. And what a jolly good cause!

  16. Happy Blogaversary!
    This is a lovely idea to celebrate your year of blogging.
    I do love the pic you've added! :o)

  17. happy B/D!!!What a great idea, I have a friend who is counting the days away, she is riddled with cancer and has found out she has a brain tumor too....and 39years old!
    Thanks to you for helping me get my blog up and running.

  18. Happy Blogaverssary! It's still Jan 31 here, and it's MY firt blogaversary!

  19. Happy Blogaverssary! What a great cause.

  20. Congratulations from the most northern part of Germany :-)

  21. Congratulations on your year of blogging. Thanks for sharing your little part of the world with us.

    Regards, Sue

  22. Happy first Blogaversary, Raewyn! Great picture, too! Very good Cause, hope you'll get may reactions!
    Hugs, Cisca

  23. Best wishes to your Dad and all your family. My daughter is staying with my sister at the moment and got lots of rain too.
    Happy days.

  24. Happy Blogiversary! What a sweet way to celebrate.
    Wishing you & your family, strength & patience - Please Take Care :)

  25. Congrats on the blog birthday.
    What a wonderful way to celebrate.

  26. Please send me a link to the organization and I willl make a donation as well.

  27. This is a wonderful way to celebrate! Congratulations on your blog anniversary and happy time with the cows.

  28. I love your idea of a way to celebrate your blog anniversary. Best of wishes to your dad.

  29. Congrats on your blogaversary! Wishing strength and peace for your family as you deal with your Dad's illness.

  30. Congratulations on your blogiversary. What a wonderful way to celebrate by donating to a special cause.

  31. Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for donating!

  32. Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for donating. :)

  33. Have come over from Stray Stitches. What a lovely thing to do. Happy Anniversary. Linda

  34. Happy Anniversary. such a funny photo,
    A really great way to raise money for a worthy cause.

  35. I will start to follow you (from the US) and hope to read good news about your dad. Happy anniversary. Kathie L in Allentown

  36. My mother-in-law also had brain tumors. She passed away before my children were born 33 years ago, and I've always wished she could have been here to see my daughters. Such a worthy cause. Good luck! And happy blogoversary. (Oh, and my mother-in-law didn't pass away from the brian tumors...guess I should have said that apologies).

  37. What a wonderful idea - give yourself a HUG!

  38. Happy Anniversary. This is so generous of you.

  39. Hi Raewyn. I would love to comment on your blog birthday and what a wonderful thought to give to such important research. Happy blog birthday to you!

  40. Happy blog Birthday to you. This is the best blogversary gift I've ever seen!

  41. Happy blogaversary! as a farmer's daughter here in the UK i'm with you on the thinking time while you're milking!
    Although I don't milk anymore I still value time spent with my own cows!
    Best Wishes to your Dad!

  42. Happy One Year of Blogging to you! What a nice way to celebrate! All the best to you, your family and your Dad!

  43. Hi Raewyn, congrats on your blogaversary! That's a really good cause to donate to.Sadly, We lost an aunty to a brain tumor 3 years ago . I hope it goes well for you. Sue

  44. Hi Raewyn, gratulations on your blogaversary. thank you for the good cause.

    ps; Have a look at my blog, there's a surprise for you......

  45. What a generous thing to do! I have to admit, I did not have a clue what that picture was.

  46. I have been quietly enjoying your blog for a while Raewyn so happy bloga versary.

  47. Happy Blogaversay ... I do enjoy your blog and just want you to know that you have my support and love 100%.

  48. Hi Raewyn, I know I am a couple of years late for this post lol, I just discovered your blog through FNSI and have been enjoying reading it. I saw the photo of the cow's udder and wondered what it was about, and hence found this post. My father passed away from a brain tumour, and it is such a difficult thing to go through - for them of course, and for you. I have not read enough of your blog yet to know the result of your Dad's brain tumours, but I just wanted to say that I know what a hard time it is for everyone. Take care xx


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