
Monday, January 3, 2011

A backwards look before looking forward...

Looking Backwards — OOPS a few little Christmas things to share now before the box gets packed away for another year!
A gorgeous little Angel I was given

Cute little prairie points finish it off beautifully

 A lovely wall hanging from the lovely Leeanne. This she made using Dawn's 'Flosty Flake' BOM. I think there were 9 blocks altogether so I suspect a couple other friends received a similar gift!!

Here are some more little sweeties... I received a beautiful coaster from Helen, a cute wee decoration from Leeanne (again) and a cute even wee-er decoration from Di. Thank you, generous ladies  :-)
Now Di's decoration got me intrigued so I had a bit of a play; actually I came across Sewing and Beyond with Mary Ann Ciccolelli. I'm not sure if this is where Di got her pattern from, but it has a great tutorial for these 'hexie-flowers'. Once I got the hang of them, they were quite straight forward to make.
Looking Forward — Last post I had a bit of a giggle at the number of projects I had started last year, and on the whole, the lack of finishes - I just cant help myself; there are so many cool things out there to do and try - I have a lifetime of quilting to catch up on!! - ANYWAY, you may have noticed a new button on my side-bar for Sew Its Finished - a place where 'friends encourage each other to finish projects' (ie a support group for compulsive starters of projects!?!).  I have joined this group - when I get myself a bit more organised I will make a list of the projects I really want to finish (first) and post them somewhere. It will be interesting to see of this works for me!!!!!
In the mean time, happy stitching everyone,


  1. Hi Raewyn--I am glad that you liked the little ornament! and that is not the site where I learned it from--I don't know right this minute--but it is listed in a post last week sometime--it was a video I watched!! but those printed out directions on the site you found look great!!!
    best of luck with all your projects in waiting!!
    Hugs, Di

  2. Well...I'm glad I'm not the only one still thinking/doing Christmas ornaments..LOL! I have been working on some that will now be for Christmas 2011.

    Happy New Year!

  3. When reading this post I realised I was smiling. I recognised a few things LOL.
    Happy new year.

  4. Quilters are the most generous of people and they have made you some lovely decorations there. I am thinking of bringing back the list. I may never have finished what was on iiit but at least it did make me do some of it which is a starting place. I am mostly just going to be kinder to myself this year and not beat myself up at what doesn't get done - or started.
    Love Shirley.x

  5. You 've got lovely ornaments and the new hexies are gorgeous.
    I wish you a happy and creative New Year!
    Greetings, Cisca

  6. Hi Raewyn, yes you were right about the wee hexies coming from Dawn's blog and also right that a couple of other people got the same wall hanging as you! I bet you can guess who they are?
    My Granddaugther left today, we had such fun and now I have taken all my Christmas decorations down and the tree ready for next time.
    Hopefully we will catch up at our favourite quilt shop soon.


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