
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Red letter day....

It was a "red letter day" (good news day) today so I made a red rosette (hexie-flower) to celebrate!
The reason — my much awaited new sewing machine has arrived and I cant wait to play!! (yes I should have been machine sewing tonight, not hand sewing!!).
I have a total of 44 flowers so far - I haven't been making many more new ones lately as I'm concentrating on joining a few together; I'm doing them in groups of four, then they get pinned to my wall. This is what I've done so far (please excuse the radio aerial strategically  taped up for best reception).
It's also a good chance for me to decide which colours I don't want to use again, there's the odd one I have discarded.
Has anyone read any of Margaret Rowe's quilting novels? She's a relatively new Australian author and I've enjoyed both her books so far. I ask, because she has a new one published, 'The Caroline Challenge Quilt' [I have her email address if anyone is interested]. I've put in my order and am looking forward to receiving and reading it.
I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday and thank you for visiting,
happy stitching,


  1. Your hexie flowers are looking great as they come together. I think your fabric choice is very attractive

  2. Lovely red hexie!
    Your garden is growing beautifully!
    I hadn't heard of Margaret Rowe but will be looking out for her books now. Love all the Elm Creek Books.

  3. Hi Raewyn
    Thank you for visiting me and your lovely comments,Congratulations on your new sewing machine,may it give you many many hours of pleasure,Your Flowers are lovely and are loking good on your wall....Kate xxx

  4. Love your red hexaflower. Your garden is blooming very beautifully! I like to have the e-mail adress of the author of the books. I hope they are as nice as the Elm Creek Quilt novels. Have fun withe your new sewing machine!
    Happy stitching, Cisca

  5. That is one stunning red flower! The layout is lovely and the books look interesting. Have fun playing with your new sewing machine!

  6. Love the red flower. Glad to see your machine has arrived, I know you will enjoy it!

  7. Beautiful flowers!

    Congrats on the new sewing machine!!!! That is exciting news.

  8. Your hexies are coming along very nicely. I like your idea of doing them in groups of four .... more manageable.

  9. congrats on your new sewing machine. have fun.
    lovely flower.

  10. Ya a new sewing machine - hope you get time to play with it today!

    Your garden is looking nice.

    Thanks for heads up on the quilt books - have to see if library have them.

    Love Leanne

  11. Nice red flower! always fun to find out how a new sewing machine works. Hope you get a lot of play time.

  12. Yippie for Raewyn!!! Her new machine has will have lots of fun playing, maybe you could change the name of your sewing space from 'CAVE' to "PLAYSTATION"???
    Oh a new book, they are a great read, in fact very interesting, I found when I read them both, that I was there - one of the women.

  13. So the new machine has arrived ... now Kerry and I know why you decided to stay home today and sew nine-patches!!! Happy stitching.

    PS Could we please borrow those books to read??

  14. very nice hexagons have fun with your sewing machine

  15. Good on you. Your hexagons look lovely, as always. That red is really calling out to me.

  16. Have lots of fun with your new 'toy'! Your hexies are looking great, I love the new red one.

  17. A lovely flower :-) Congrats on "the new kid on the block" ;-))

  18. I love your red hexie. your garden is certainly growing.

  19. Your hexies are coming along beautifully. Congrats on your new sewing machine.

  20. Your hexies are looking great. Your new one is a little show off!!!!

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.

    :) Carolyn

  21. Your garden is really growing...and so is the nine patch pathway! Congrats on your new sewing machine. (I cannot tell from the photo is it a Bernina?) May you have many hours of enjoyment together:)

  22. Beautiful red flower. A new sewing machine to play with - how fun! Love how your garden is going together!

  23. Isn't red a beautiful colour? Hope you have a lot of fun with your new sewing machine.


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