
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kowhai yellow

I went with a yellow theme this week.... I knew it would be time for the MOML and I to make our annual trek 'out the back' for our viewing of the Kowhai trees in flower.
The flowers are absolutely beautiful and the huge trees make a stunning display. It was impossible for me to get a photo which shows the immensity of the sight.

I was also unable to get a photo of the birds feeding on the flowers, Tui and Kereru (wood pigeon) being the main feeders. The bird song and whooshing noises as they fly from tree to tree are wonderful to hear.

And this morning I have sewn another of my tiny hexies.. that makes two...
...and two hexies sewn together make... 
...a scissor fob :-)
Cute, huh? Its amazing how much stuffing can fit into such a tiny space!!
Hope you're all having a great week, happy stitching!!


  1. Very cute yellow hexie flowers and I love your hexie scissor fob. It's a great idea, I think I'll make one too.

  2. Wonderful post Raewyn! I love all the yellow. And, the scissor fob is so cute! Very clever.

  3. Those yellow hexies are just gorgeous. Love your scissor fob. So very cute. Hugs, Jeanette

  4. What absoulutely gorgeous flowering trees. Wish I could hear the birdlife too.
    Love the yellow hexies and the scissors fob is cute.

  5. you have your own special retreat right on your back doorstep!I love the bird life in Northland.
    Cute, cute, scissor fob....Mmmmmm pretty:-)

  6. oh my goodness those are tiny hexies. your tree is gorgeous

  7. Gorgeousness everywhere Raewyn, love your hexies and that tiny hexie scissor fob is just SO cute! Your kowhai trees are huge, they are so much taller than our ones down here. Ours seem smaller, but bushier all over. Don't the tuis and wood pigeons go mad on them. The wood pigeons here will eventually strip all the flowers off the whole trees. What a mess they make!

  8. Lovely yellow hexie flowers for your garden,,,Thank you for sharing the pictures of the trees ,they are beautiful...I love your scissor fob..yes i would like one too...another thing to add to my list,,,lol xx

  9. The hexies look great, love the scissor fob..

  10. I love the fact we both posted and commented on our flowering kowhais on the same day !! !!
    And as for those hexies awwwwww I'm in love!

  11. Isn't yellow a lovely colour! I love those pictures and your sciccor fob is so cute.
    Have a nice day.

  12. What a lovely and sunny flowers!!!


  13. Wow: great that you tell about the trees. There is something about trees.... And what a great hexi scissor fob!

  14. Such friendly flowers make you happy!

  15. Love those tiny hexagons and yes that is a very cute scissor fob. Fabulous tree.

  16. A beautiful story with beautiful photo's. Your yellow hexaflowers are lovely! What a wonderful blossom on that Kowhai tree! And the cute little scissorfob is so lovely, I'll try to make one myself.
    Greetings, Cisca

  17. Nice yellow flowers, perfect for this time of year. Cute idea for the scissor fob, I might have to borrow that.

  18. Theres nothing like enjoying nature, lovely photos thanks for sharing!

  19. Lovely hexie flowers.I love the yellow tree and your project is adorable.

  20. Hexagons posed in nature are some of my favorite photos. That tree is amazing! and your hexie flowers are lovely.
    The fob is the cutest little thing!

  21. Your yellow flowers are so pretty and cheerful. Love the comparison to the yellow flowers on the trees.

  22. Love your hexies! You have inspired me to make a fob...but for my phone!

  23. I'd love those bright sunshine hexies at my place to brighted the day.
    Cute fob!

  24. Very cute flower hexie pincushion! Wonderful post and looks as though you are experiencing "spring"!

    Lovely display of your hexie flowers placed along with the pretty yellow blooms, thanks for sharing. :) Carolyn


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