
Monday, August 9, 2010

My weekend..including a finish!

Some of my friends went off for a (patchworking) retreat this weekend out at the beach, but because of these................

.....................I stayed behind.
However, YD and ED were both home so they were put on farm duties for a few hours and I was able to be shopkeeper at my favourite quilt shop. The things we do so friends can retreat!
When I got home someone had been baking.... 

When I got the chance, I retreated into my 'cave' and did a bit of sewing. I finished a journal cover I had started a while ago.....
The stitchery is one from Brenda Ryan which she put up for us on her blog...sweet isn't she?

I put the older calves outside for their first taste of freedom... (not counting an escape episode a few days ago). I just love watching their first time out on the grass... they just run...
and run..
and run... until it all gets too much and they stop for a rest!

I completed another hexie flower, and cut some more hexagons, but didn't quite get them prepped ready for the week.

So in spite of not retreating, — I had a good weekend  :-) but I am hoping next time I can join in!!


  1. I used to spend my summers as a kid at my uncles cattle ranch, those pictures made me long for those days.

    What an adorable stitchery!

  2. What a lovely journal cover, I love the stitchery!
    Greetings, Cisca

  3. hi raewyn, love the journal cover. that's on my to do list one day. babys calves are so cute!

  4. You have been a busy girl......the journal cover is just lovely Raewyn.

  5. Life on the farm can be very busy at least you got to escape for awhile and WORK in the quilt shop.
    Beautiful journal cover and hexies.
    The calves sure love their freedom.
    Sure hope you can join your frinds on the next retreat.

  6. We missed you!! I'm glad you got some stitching done and had some yummy food. Very cute stitchery, did you do that on a doyle?

  7. So pleased you got some 'me' time this weekend. I really love your calf photos. Aren't they mad when they are first let loose? We just let our yearling beefies off a wintering pad and they went a bit crazy too! Love your journal and hexies!

  8. Raewyn ... you have been busy, love the journal cover too, just like all your blogging friends. We missed you at the weekend, but must say the retreat was awesome and hope you can join in next year ... maybe then it will be the quilt shop owner who has to stay back and run the store!! [sigh]

  9. Oh how adorable! I've never seen this type of feeder for calves. You are a busy lady~! I love your journal cover and all of your sewing. IT's always so inspirational to come over and visit you... XO

  10. Your journal cover is very cool! Love it!
    How many calves do you feed like that? We were feeding 14 earlier in the year and have 3 x twin feeders so it took a bit of juggling and repening to get them fed. Yes, they certainly do love to run and play!
    What a nice surprise to come home to - someone baking something yummy!


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