
Saturday, May 15, 2010


Rain forced me inside from the garden today  (that's not a bad thing, we've been wanting rain for MONTHS). All the weed seeds have been sitting there in the ground waiting to pounce with a bit of moisture, so it's tidy-up time!! However because this much wanted rain has forced me into my sewing room cum office,  I have had the chance to spend a bit of time customising my blog.
Hours (!) later, and helped by Brenda Gael Smith of Serendipity Quilts (Tips for Sprucing up your Blog) I have a new-look blog! I really just wanted to be able to get a picture up in my header; one which didn't take up the whole computer screen....I have achieved that but as you will notice I still have a big white patch which needs attention. (Sigh.)  I am waiting for YD and her advanced photoshop skills (as opposed to my mediocre ones!) to come and visit to fix this for me!!! Update - thank you, again, to Brenda who has helped me sort this banner; it's just how I wanted it now!!
Another achievement has been finishing this tote bag. I found this fabric in my favourite little quilt shop - cool isn't it!!
There's more sayings too; such as "When I learned how to sew, I forgot how to cook" and "If I sit here long enough maybe they will fix their own dinner". I can relate to these!!!!
I decided it would be great used for a bag to cart some of my sewing bits around, so made up this tote from Sew Prim Kris.
I'm really happy with it but wonder if I got a bit carrried away with the colour mixing?? I was a bit adventurous as usually I a bit more muted in my colour choices?? Instead of iron-on pellon, I used a stiff-but-soft felted stiffener - don't know what it's called. It's come up really well and the bag stands up nicely all by itself.
Well its raining again so it might be time to swivel my chair and face my sewing machine rather than the computer.....
Happy sewing,


  1. Love the new look!Its like when you get a new hairdo...but this time for your blog!
    The bag is great, I don't think you got carried away with colours.

  2. I LOVE it Raewyn and love the mix of colours. I can soooo relate to the saying about forgetting how to cook when I learnt how to it...hugs Khris

  3. The batting is Matilda's Poly Bag Batting ... designed especially for BAGS!!

  4. Love the new look of blog. And that fabric I want some! Did you get it at Country Yard? Let me know please, as I have one kid at uni I think I need to make a bag too.

  5. Great blog Raewyn have a look at mine - having trouble setting it up how I want it to be. Sad when you get older and can't work the computer. LOL.


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