
Monday, February 1, 2010

A Brand New Blog!!

Here I am getting started!! I feel like I am talking to myself as no-one knows I am sitting here creating a blog!! Feels kinda strange. I enjoy browsing through other blogs so much, getting ideas and inspiration and just enjoying the chat that I thought I should give this a go!!
I chose 'Lovetostitch' as my blogname as that is what I love to do!! I mostly do patchwork and quilting and all things related but have been known to do lots of different things over the years. Maybe I will share some of those things too, one day.
I have been a serious patchworker for about the last 18 months; after I got sick, gave up work, then got better, I have been able to really get into it!!
That's enough for a first post...I will push the buttons and see if this this space!


  1. Welcome to blogland Raewyn!!!!!!!
    So nice to have you here too... it's a wonderful place... jump on in!!!

    I wanted to thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment on my applique question post a little while ago.

    So nice to hear from you and thanks for your opinion.
    I'm glad you popped by.

    Robyn xx

  2. Hi Robyn
    Thanks for being my very first comment-er and a follower!! I think this is going to be a fun journey for me but I know it will take me a while to get it all sorted - however tonight I have managed to put in a photo and also do links!! There could be hope for me yet!
    I enjoy your blog too and have it saved under my bookmarks. Cheers

  3. Welcome to blogland....I am sure you will love it in blogland....there are lots of wonderful people and so much to inspire and motivate you...hugs Khris


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